息子がずっとシリーズで読んでいる本の最新版(The 39 Clues)が今日発売されるとかで、どうしても本屋に行きたいというので、GPSで調べてコロラド・スプリングスのバーンス&ノーブルを当面の目的地に設定。インターステイトの70号、US24号を走る。
We left Stratton, CO around 10:00 am. It is Colorado all right, but it is very flat. We do not see any mountains.
Our son has been reading this series of novels called 'The 39 Clues', and the latest version went on market today and he wanted to get it TODAY. Our GPS said there is Barns&Noble in Colorado Springs, which became our next stop. We head west on Interstate 70 and then US 24.

Here is Barns&Noble, Colorado Springs. He was happy. She say happy too because she got to pick some books too.
Past Colorado Springs, the road winds cutting through the red rocks.

We continued past Colorado Springs on US-24/287. We drove west and then south. It got more like Colorado.

We stopped in a small town called Alamosa, which is on US-24/287 just before the boarder to New Mexico. It was a small town, but this restaurant was very well decorated, sort of funky with lots of arty masks hanging on the wall. The food was good too.

We were back on US-24/287 and entered New Mexico. Today's sunset was with New Mexico flavor.

Past 8:00 pm, we arrived in Santa Fe, NM.

今までのホテルは行き当たりばったりで決めていたけれど、今日は大きな街でいろいろチョイスがあるし高いので、あらかじめインターネットで調べることに。写真は、java joe'sというコーヒー屋、もう閉まっていたけれど、なんとなくフリーワイヤレスがありそうな店だったので、ためしに前に駐車して繋いで見ると接続成功。しめしめ。そこで、priceline.comで定価$199のSanta Fe Hiltonを$100で予約し、そのままホテルへ。明日はちょっとサンタフェをぶらぶらしてみたいものだわ。
So far we drove as far as we could go every day and simply showed up in the hotel lobby for a room every night, but Santa Fe was a big city with a great selection of hotels which were also pretty expensive, so we decided to do some research beforehand. We found a coffee shop called java joe's. It was already closed, but it smelled like it had a free wireless network, so we parked in front of the store and tried to connect. Bingo! We were on the internet. We booked a room in Santa Fe Hilton (list $199) for $100 and arrived in the hotel in a minute. We like to see Santa Fe tomorrow.