リビングからの写真。この写真だと空が薄青色に見えるけど、実はもっと灰色。朝からずっと灰色。南カリフォルニアはnear perfect weather(カンペキに近い天気)じゃなかったんだっけ?これじゃあ、コネチカットに引っ越してきたのかと思っちゃうよ。ま、どうせ今日も片付けの一日だから、こんな天気のほうが遊び心が失せてちょうどいいかもしれないが。昨日は晴天で、庭にプールがある裏の家からは、朝から子どもたちの楽しそうな声が漏れ聞こえ、それを横目に片づけするのは確かにいじけそうだったけど。
A picture from our living room. The sky looks light blue in this picture, but actually it is more like gray. It's been gray all day. I thought we were moving into a near-perfect weather of Southern California. It looks like we moved in Connecticut! Well, we have to spent all day sorting things anyway, so we'd be better off this way without an enticing sunshine outside... Yesterday was a perfectly sunny day, and people were having fun in the swimming pool at the house behind ours, we thought it was so unfair we were stuck with cleaning in our house.
(Climate Comparison); Torrance, CA Charlottesville, VA
1年のうち晴天の日数 279 days 187 days
# of clear days per year
年間降雨量 16 inches 49 inches
Annual precipitation
1月の平均気温 45 F(7.2度) 18 F(-7.7度)
Ave. temp in Jan.
7月の平均温度 78 F(25.5度) 86 F(30度)
Ave. temp in July