This Monday was Memorial Day. Our son successfully persuaded us to go to Six Flags. He even arranged so that we could take one of his friends with us. This park is famous for all those thrill seeking rides which make your internal organs jump out of your mouth and your brain explode like paint balls.

As soon as we entered the park, we separated ourselves into two parties; daddy+son+his friend, and me+daughter. My daughter and I went up a tower. This picture is a view from the tower. This is the view of one of those crazy rides. According to my husband, he almost fainted as free falling.

My daughter and I peacefully enjoyed "conventional" rides. Once she finds she likes, she can never stop taking it, though. She did this carousel probably 10 times, and kid's size roller coaster more than 30 times. I gave up halfway since I started feeling my internal organs jumping up to my throat even with this supposedly easy rides.

I wholeheartedly send a big applause to my husband who took all those rides with the boys. We were totally consumed by the the time we got home past 10.