My husband's 1994 Land cruiser might soon have to yield a spot in our garage to another car. This time it's a fuel injector malfunction. The car has six of them and according to the mechanic, it is much more cost-efficient if we replace all of them at one time, considering all those parts have the same life span and they will all eventually give in. If we do all, it costs $1,300. If you go with just one, it's $400. I was expecting that my husband would replace all of them, since he never ever seriously thought about letting the car go. Against my expectation, however, he said that he would do just one. He started thinking about getting a new car finally. I, having been trying to persuade him to do so for more than a year, feel somehow sad to hear him say that. I am not quite sure why, but our daughter is so ageist the idea too. Whatever happens next, you would be update...