She started on a new swim lesson at YMCA. She just could not put her face in water without pinching her nose. When she works on crawl, she just does not have enough hands. After we came home, she had a special training in our bath tub, first with goggles and a nose clip. In the end, she was able to submerge her head in the water "bare-faced"! Yeah!
Back to Virginia
My husband left on a business trip to Virginia today. He will stay two days in Blacksburg, VA to visit Virginia Institute of Technology, and in another two days in Charlottesville, VA to visit University of Virginia, where we used to live. I dropped him at the Los Angeles International Airport this morning. It is a blessing that an international airport is just a 20 minute drive. We used to drive 2 hours up to Washington Dulles, or 1 hour east to Richmond. I wanted to pack myself in his carry-on and fly with him. He took only short sleeves and found it pretty chilly already in Virginia.
B&N, that we rarely shop
夕方、息子が"H.I.V.E."という小説本が欲しいというのでBarns & Noble へ。シャーロッツビルにいたときも、今も、よくBarns & Nobleには足を運んだけれど、実際本を買うことはとっても少なかった。いつもBarns & Nobleで欲しい本を見つけて、購入はAmazonというパターン。だって、20~30%は安いうえに税金かからないんだもん。しかしながら、本日の本は、続きもののためどうしても待てないというので、値段もあまり変わらないし、Barns & Nobleで買いました。
I drove our son to Barns & Noble this evening to get him a novel called "H.I.V.E." Here in Torrance as well as back in Charlottesville, Barns & Noble is our favorite place to hang around, but we rarely buy books there. Usually we just browse through books, pick some we like and go online to make a purchase via Amazon.com. It's often 20 to 30% cheaper that way and they do not tax us. However, he could not afford waiting this time, since he HAD to read it now (this is a sequel to the first book he just finished) and the price on this particular one was pretty comparable between the store and online.
Our little froggie
This is our little house froggie. She practices to jump over the stairs every day. Although I was not too happy with the carpeted stairs, since those are a headache to clean, they are perfect for her jumping. Her record so far is 7 steps. This video shows a jump from the 6th step.
PS; When I showed her this video on my blog, she gave me an unhappy look, saying "I wasn't a froggie. I was supposed to be a lion!" Thus here is the correction; this is our lion, the king of the jungle!
Cram school
とっても若く見える先生だけど、もう大学を出て勤めている娘さんがおふたりもいて、おふたりとも日本語能力試験1級を持っているので、大学進学や就職のときにとても有利だったとのこと。おひとりはDream Worksでカンフーパンダの製作チームだったそうで、部屋にはDream Worksの映画のポスターがたくさん。この辺だと、カリフォルニア大学に入るのを目標にする子どもたちが多いらしく、日本語でのAPクラス(ハイスクールで受けられる大学レベルのクラス)や日本語能力試験がいかに受験でものをいうかについていろいろ説明を受けました。
うちは子どもどころか、両親とも塾というものに行ったことがないので、どうも”ジュク”という響き自体抵抗があったけれど、行ってみたらそんなにコワイところではありませんでした。都会のひとはこうやって塾を使って受験準備をするんだぁ~などと、カンシンして帰ってきた私。。子どもたちはといえば、"塾なんて絶対行きたくない!”といっていたくせに、Dream Works攻撃と先生のうまいノセ方にすっかり魅了され、”絶対行きたい!”。 費用は入学金150ドル、80分授業が週1回の4週分で月148ドル。
Our kids tried a Jyuku, a cram school, the very first time in their lives. We sat in for a trial class today. Around here, there are so many kinds of courses offered at a great many variety of cram schools. Those include courses for prep to go back to Japanese educational systems in Japan, prep for the entrance exams at Japanese schools, English improvement, support on assignments at local schools, improvement on Japanese, prep for Japanese Language Proficiency Test, and so forth. Our kids tried a course for Japanese improvement. Following out visits to Gardena Buddhist Church Japanese School and Nishiyamato Gakuen, we selected this school as an alternative for kids to continue with their Japanese improvement.
The youthful looking instructor has two daughters who already finished college and are working. Both passed the 1st class of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, and that was a great help to get into the college and to get a job also, she said. One of them works in Dream Works and was a part of the production team of Kang Fu Panda, and the room we were in had full of movie posters on the wall. Kids just fell for it. Great many students around here target at University of California (UC) as their first choice for college, and she explained to me how the fact that kids successfully finished Japanese AP classes and/or the Japanese Language Proficiency Test works for students to get in the UC.
It's not only our kids who's never been to a cram school. Neither my husband nor I have been in a cram school when we grew up, so we had an ambiguous fear towards these schools, but my impression was not too bad on this particular one. It was interesting to know how all these people in a big city like this start preparing for college early on. Our two kids, who had to be forced to come with me to visit this school, totally changed their view to "I love to come study here!". The instructor knew how to get kids involved. Dream Works did the trick too. The admission fee is $150 and the monthly fee for one 80 min instruction per week is $148.
とっても若く見える先生だけど、もう大学を出て勤めている娘さんがおふたりもいて、おふたりとも日本語能力試験1級を持っているので、大学進学や就職のときにとても有利だったとのこと。おひとりはDream Worksでカンフーパンダの製作チームだったそうで、部屋にはDream Worksの映画のポスターがたくさん。この辺だと、カリフォルニア大学に入るのを目標にする子どもたちが多いらしく、日本語でのAPクラス(ハイスクールで受けられる大学レベルのクラス)や日本語能力試験がいかに受験でものをいうかについていろいろ説明を受けました。
うちは子どもどころか、両親とも塾というものに行ったことがないので、どうも”ジュク”という響き自体抵抗があったけれど、行ってみたらそんなにコワイところではありませんでした。都会のひとはこうやって塾を使って受験準備をするんだぁ~などと、カンシンして帰ってきた私。。子どもたちはといえば、"塾なんて絶対行きたくない!”といっていたくせに、Dream Works攻撃と先生のうまいノセ方にすっかり魅了され、”絶対行きたい!”。 費用は入学金150ドル、80分授業が週1回の4週分で月148ドル。
Our kids tried a Jyuku, a cram school, the very first time in their lives. We sat in for a trial class today. Around here, there are so many kinds of courses offered at a great many variety of cram schools. Those include courses for prep to go back to Japanese educational systems in Japan, prep for the entrance exams at Japanese schools, English improvement, support on assignments at local schools, improvement on Japanese, prep for Japanese Language Proficiency Test, and so forth. Our kids tried a course for Japanese improvement. Following out visits to Gardena Buddhist Church Japanese School and Nishiyamato Gakuen, we selected this school as an alternative for kids to continue with their Japanese improvement.
The youthful looking instructor has two daughters who already finished college and are working. Both passed the 1st class of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, and that was a great help to get into the college and to get a job also, she said. One of them works in Dream Works and was a part of the production team of Kang Fu Panda, and the room we were in had full of movie posters on the wall. Kids just fell for it. Great many students around here target at University of California (UC) as their first choice for college, and she explained to me how the fact that kids successfully finished Japanese AP classes and/or the Japanese Language Proficiency Test works for students to get in the UC.
It's not only our kids who's never been to a cram school. Neither my husband nor I have been in a cram school when we grew up, so we had an ambiguous fear towards these schools, but my impression was not too bad on this particular one. It was interesting to know how all these people in a big city like this start preparing for college early on. Our two kids, who had to be forced to come with me to visit this school, totally changed their view to "I love to come study here!". The instructor knew how to get kids involved. Dream Works did the trick too. The admission fee is $150 and the monthly fee for one 80 min instruction per week is $148.
Walk to school with daddy
Daddy was begged to walk to school with her this morning. Behind them on the concrete, do you see the shape of America painted? Virginia is painted green and California yellow. I stand on Virginia first and move through the middle of the continent to California, saying, "We drove all the way from here to here." Kids respond with a great excitement, "Really? You did, really?"
You leave our house, walk to get this street and go across, then you find yourself at the corner of the school yard. The thing is they have this huge green field facing our side, so it takes a bit more than 5 minutes to walk to the classroom. They open the gate at 8:20 and let the kids play on the school yard until 8:50. At 8:50 sharp, the bell rings. As soon as the bell goes off, all the kids are supposed to freeze for 5 seconds or so on the spot wherever they are, stopping whatever they are doing that moment. After 5 seconds, they line up in front of the classroom and they go in. This freeze, I heard, is a drill to pay attention and obey the instruction when necessary on earthquakes and other disastrous events.
Daddy was begged to walk to school with her this morning. Behind them on the concrete, do you see the shape of America painted? Virginia is painted green and California yellow. I stand on Virginia first and move through the middle of the continent to California, saying, "We drove all the way from here to here." Kids respond with a great excitement, "Really? You did, really?"
You leave our house, walk to get this street and go across, then you find yourself at the corner of the school yard. The thing is they have this huge green field facing our side, so it takes a bit more than 5 minutes to walk to the classroom. They open the gate at 8:20 and let the kids play on the school yard until 8:50. At 8:50 sharp, the bell rings. As soon as the bell goes off, all the kids are supposed to freeze for 5 seconds or so on the spot wherever they are, stopping whatever they are doing that moment. After 5 seconds, they line up in front of the classroom and they go in. This freeze, I heard, is a drill to pay attention and obey the instruction when necessary on earthquakes and other disastrous events.
ESL library
州に1回、小学校のカフェテリアの一角に登場するESL(English as Second Language)ライブラリ。英語以外を母国語とする子どものために、各学年で使う教科書、宿題やプロジェクトのサンプルなどが設置されています。フォニックスや読み聞かせCDなどもありました。ボランティアの父兄が予算を申請し、買い揃えたそうです。運営も父兄です。
Once a week we have an ESL library available in the cafeteria at our daughter's elementary school. It has textbooks used in all grades, samples of assignment reports and projects in each grade, English books with CD's and so forth. Parents volunteers requested for a budget, bought all these materials and operate the library.
Now you might wonder what sort of ESL supports we enjoy from the school itself. Remember the language test our kids had to take before the school started? They were tested for their English and Japanese capabilities. It seems like, however, that the ESL classes and helps all vanished due to the budget cut in this bad economy. The test result (yet to be received) will be used only to take an extra consideration for grading, if their English capability is limited. The test was pretty elaborating so I was kind of expecting a lot for the ESL program kids can enjoy. What a disappointment!
Once a week we have an ESL library available in the cafeteria at our daughter's elementary school. It has textbooks used in all grades, samples of assignment reports and projects in each grade, English books with CD's and so forth. Parents volunteers requested for a budget, bought all these materials and operate the library.
Now you might wonder what sort of ESL supports we enjoy from the school itself. Remember the language test our kids had to take before the school started? They were tested for their English and Japanese capabilities. It seems like, however, that the ESL classes and helps all vanished due to the budget cut in this bad economy. The test result (yet to be received) will be used only to take an extra consideration for grading, if their English capability is limited. The test was pretty elaborating so I was kind of expecting a lot for the ESL program kids can enjoy. What a disappointment!
Emergency kits
教室の外に置いてあるごみバケツ。でも、これ本当はごみバケツじゃありません。”Emergency Kits Only"と書いてあるのが読めますか?
A trash can sitting outside the classroom. This is not for trash, though. Can you see it says "Emergency Kits Only"?
蓋を開けるとこの通り。子どもひとりひとりのために、ジップロックに入ったEmergency Kitが保管されています。中身は、家族写真、クリネックス、濡れティッシュ、バンドエイド、ジュースの小缶、スナック、下着、小タオル、セーター、トランプ(暇つぶしのため?)などなど。このあたりでemergencyといえばやはり地震。
おそろしい、おそろしい。こう考えると、私がどうしても違和感のあった学校のプレハブ小屋の謎が解けてきたような気がする。案外安全策なのかも。あれなら倒壊しても下敷きになって死ぬことはない(資材が軽い)からね。小屋だから、ドアを開ければすぐ外で、即座に避難できるし。。。 いやぁ~、でもやっぱりただ、予算がないだけなんだろうなあ。。。
You lift the lid and find Ziploc bags, one for each child, that contain a family photo, Kleenex, baby wipes, band aids, two small cans of juice, dry snacks, underwear, small towel, old sweater, games and cards (to kill time?) and so forth.
If you look at http://earthquake.usgs.gov/, you can find a list of earthquakes occurred recently in specific areas all over the world. On Sep 22nd, 2009 only, you find 50 earthquakes occurred in California and Nevada, all of which are small ones with a magnitude of 2 or less, though. In Japan, on the other hand, there is only one earthquake, but this one is much bigger with a magnitude 4.7. Looking into the future, the probability of a magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquake over the next 30 years striking the greater Los Angeles area is 67%, and in the San Francisco Bay Area it is 63%. The probability of a magnitude 7 or so earthquake over the next 30 years striking the southern Kanto area in Japan is 70%. Looking at the past earthquakes, Kanto Earthquake (Japan) recorded a magnitude of 7.9, Hanshin Earthquake (Japan) 7.3, Shisen Earthquake (China) 7.8. When a magnitude increases by 0.1, the power of the earthquake increases by 1.4, 0.2 by 2, 0.3 by 3.8 and 1 by 32.
No doubt we should be prepared. Well, now I thought about those prefab huts as classrooms at schools around here. Now I wonder if they are for safety, since even if those prefab huts collapse, they do not kill people inside with materials so light. Once you fling the door open, you find yourself evacuated onto the schoolyard. .. or they just do not have budget to build nicer ones.
A trash can sitting outside the classroom. This is not for trash, though. Can you see it says "Emergency Kits Only"?
蓋を開けるとこの通り。子どもひとりひとりのために、ジップロックに入ったEmergency Kitが保管されています。中身は、家族写真、クリネックス、濡れティッシュ、バンドエイド、ジュースの小缶、スナック、下着、小タオル、セーター、トランプ(暇つぶしのため?)などなど。このあたりでemergencyといえばやはり地震。
おそろしい、おそろしい。こう考えると、私がどうしても違和感のあった学校のプレハブ小屋の謎が解けてきたような気がする。案外安全策なのかも。あれなら倒壊しても下敷きになって死ぬことはない(資材が軽い)からね。小屋だから、ドアを開ければすぐ外で、即座に避難できるし。。。 いやぁ~、でもやっぱりただ、予算がないだけなんだろうなあ。。。
You lift the lid and find Ziploc bags, one for each child, that contain a family photo, Kleenex, baby wipes, band aids, two small cans of juice, dry snacks, underwear, small towel, old sweater, games and cards (to kill time?) and so forth.
If you look at http://earthquake.usgs.gov/, you can find a list of earthquakes occurred recently in specific areas all over the world. On Sep 22nd, 2009 only, you find 50 earthquakes occurred in California and Nevada, all of which are small ones with a magnitude of 2 or less, though. In Japan, on the other hand, there is only one earthquake, but this one is much bigger with a magnitude 4.7. Looking into the future, the probability of a magnitude 6.7 or larger earthquake over the next 30 years striking the greater Los Angeles area is 67%, and in the San Francisco Bay Area it is 63%. The probability of a magnitude 7 or so earthquake over the next 30 years striking the southern Kanto area in Japan is 70%. Looking at the past earthquakes, Kanto Earthquake (Japan) recorded a magnitude of 7.9, Hanshin Earthquake (Japan) 7.3, Shisen Earthquake (China) 7.8. When a magnitude increases by 0.1, the power of the earthquake increases by 1.4, 0.2 by 2, 0.3 by 3.8 and 1 by 32.
No doubt we should be prepared. Well, now I thought about those prefab huts as classrooms at schools around here. Now I wonder if they are for safety, since even if those prefab huts collapse, they do not kill people inside with materials so light. Once you fling the door open, you find yourself evacuated onto the schoolyard. .. or they just do not have budget to build nicer ones.
TB test
This yellow slip certifies that I was negative on TB test. This certification is required to volunteer at kids' schools around here. We did not have this requirement in Virginia. So, last Friday, I went to the clinic and got the TB injection. Whoever was born in Japan usually gets BCG, thus tend to have a positive reading on TB test. Mine was definitely positive with a huge swelling developed by Saturday. It was also very very itchy. I decided a bit of Benadryl wouldn't hurt, thinking the swelling would stay positive-size anyway. Well, by this morning it diminished to a slight redness in the area, whether it was due to Benadryl or not. The nurse had a look at it and quickly dismissed it as negative. See, the U.S. is one of a few countries which do NOT administer BCG and the default of the TB test is negative. They sort of expect a negative result. Was it Benadryl?? It's only between you and me, ok?
ツベルクリンが”陽性”の場合、1) BCGの余韻で陽性となったのか、2) 実際、結核菌を保持している(発症はしていないがいつ発症するかわからない)のかが区別がつかない。なので、”2)の場合を想定して、体の中に眠っている結核菌を殺すための薬を飲んでください”とお医者さん。この薬、なんと9ヶ月飲み続けないといけない!私は、”BCGの影響だと思います”と言ってみたのだけれど、”BCGを受けても、2~3年で陰性となるのが普通。2)の場合だったら将来大変な症状がでることがあるから飲んだほうがいい”とのこと。ちなみにセカンドオピニオンももらってみたのだけれど同じ回答。ということで、しぶしぶその薬を入手。写真はちなみに3ヶ月分。子どもにむやみに薬を飲ませるのもどうかと思い、いろいろリサーチしてみたけれど、どうやらBCGにもいろいろなストレインがあるらしく、効果の有効度や有効期間もまちまちらしい。日本のBCGは(2~3年でなく)15年ほど有効と書いてあったので、12歳のわが息子はまだ十分有効期間内。ということで、お医者さんに説明して、”リスクをとることにはなりますが、1)の場合だと想定し薬は飲みません”と言うことにした。実際、日本人慣れしているお医者さんだとかなり臨機応変に運用しているらしい。私たちのお医者さんはそうではなかったのだけど。。。いくらアメリカでも、処方された薬の返品ってきかないよねえ。。。。
Kids also need to be tested to start with a school. Our two kids took a TB test back in August before the enrollment. Our younger one who was born in the U.S. and never received BCG was negative, as expected. Our older one who was born in Japan and did receive BCG was positive, as expected. If positive, to ensure you do not actually have TB, you have a chest X-ray taken. So did he and the result was clear (he does not have TB). He, thus, was able to enroll all right in school with the certification saying the TB test was positive but no TB noticed. It was a long story after that, however.
If the TB test turned out to be positive, you never know whether it was 1) due to BCG you received, or 2) due to the fact that you were actually exposed to tubercle bacilli which is dormant in your body. The doctor said that if it's case 2), you have a chance to experience various severe problems later on, so to kill the dormant bacilli possibly in his body, he needs to take this medication. He needs to be on this medication, guess what, for 9 month! I humbly objected saying the positive result should be due to BCG he received in Japan. The doctor explained the BCG tends to affect the result only for 2 or 3 years after received, but not longer than that." I decided to get a second opinion, which was basically the same as the first one. So unwillingly I got the prescription filled. What you see in the picture is only 3 month supply. Staring at those bottles, I decided to do further research online, since I did not medicate my child to kill bacilli which he DOES NOT HAVE in his body. I then learned that there is a variety of BCG strains with varying effectiveness and effective periods depending on the country that administer them, and also that the Japanese version tends to last 15 years (versus 2 to 3 years as generally expected). Our son is 12, so the chances are his positive result is due to BCG. I decided to explain to the doctor that we decided to take a chance and not to medicate him, presuming he does not have bacilli. I learned later that doctors who have dealt with many apanese in the past tend to operate a bit more loosely, not requiring the medication. Well, what should I do with all those bottles sitting in the cabinet. I do not think they take back the prescription drug...
追伸; 主治医の先生(今回初めて会った。今までの先生は他の人だった)にこの3日後会って話をした結果、結局この薬、飲むことになりました。主治医の先生は、ご自身台湾からの移民で、自分も同じようにTBテストで陽性になり、母親がBCG接種が原因で陽性になっていると判断し薬を飲まなかったのだけれど、大きくなってメディカル・スクールに入学していろいろ勉強した結果、やはり飲んでおいたほうがいいと自分で判断して9ヶ月飲んだとのこと。とても親身になって説明してくれました。もし、本当に結核菌が体内にあった場合は後々大変な症状が出るかもしれないが、この薬は子どもの頃に飲むほうが体への負担も少ないので、やはり飲むことをお勧めすると。。。というこどで、毎日飲んでいます。
This yellow slip certifies that I was negative on TB test. This certification is required to volunteer at kids' schools around here. We did not have this requirement in Virginia. So, last Friday, I went to the clinic and got the TB injection. Whoever was born in Japan usually gets BCG, thus tend to have a positive reading on TB test. Mine was definitely positive with a huge swelling developed by Saturday. It was also very very itchy. I decided a bit of Benadryl wouldn't hurt, thinking the swelling would stay positive-size anyway. Well, by this morning it diminished to a slight redness in the area, whether it was due to Benadryl or not. The nurse had a look at it and quickly dismissed it as negative. See, the U.S. is one of a few countries which do NOT administer BCG and the default of the TB test is negative. They sort of expect a negative result. Was it Benadryl?? It's only between you and me, ok?
ツベルクリンが”陽性”の場合、1) BCGの余韻で陽性となったのか、2) 実際、結核菌を保持している(発症はしていないがいつ発症するかわからない)のかが区別がつかない。なので、”2)の場合を想定して、体の中に眠っている結核菌を殺すための薬を飲んでください”とお医者さん。この薬、なんと9ヶ月飲み続けないといけない!私は、”BCGの影響だと思います”と言ってみたのだけれど、”BCGを受けても、2~3年で陰性となるのが普通。2)の場合だったら将来大変な症状がでることがあるから飲んだほうがいい”とのこと。ちなみにセカンドオピニオンももらってみたのだけれど同じ回答。ということで、しぶしぶその薬を入手。写真はちなみに3ヶ月分。子どもにむやみに薬を飲ませるのもどうかと思い、いろいろリサーチしてみたけれど、どうやらBCGにもいろいろなストレインがあるらしく、効果の有効度や有効期間もまちまちらしい。日本のBCGは(2~3年でなく)15年ほど有効と書いてあったので、12歳のわが息子はまだ十分有効期間内。ということで、お医者さんに説明して、”リスクをとることにはなりますが、1)の場合だと想定し薬は飲みません”と言うことにした。実際、日本人慣れしているお医者さんだとかなり臨機応変に運用しているらしい。私たちのお医者さんはそうではなかったのだけど。。。いくらアメリカでも、処方された薬の返品ってきかないよねえ。。。。
Kids also need to be tested to start with a school. Our two kids took a TB test back in August before the enrollment. Our younger one who was born in the U.S. and never received BCG was negative, as expected. Our older one who was born in Japan and did receive BCG was positive, as expected. If positive, to ensure you do not actually have TB, you have a chest X-ray taken. So did he and the result was clear (he does not have TB). He, thus, was able to enroll all right in school with the certification saying the TB test was positive but no TB noticed. It was a long story after that, however.
If the TB test turned out to be positive, you never know whether it was 1) due to BCG you received, or 2) due to the fact that you were actually exposed to tubercle bacilli which is dormant in your body. The doctor said that if it's case 2), you have a chance to experience various severe problems later on, so to kill the dormant bacilli possibly in his body, he needs to take this medication. He needs to be on this medication, guess what, for 9 month! I humbly objected saying the positive result should be due to BCG he received in Japan. The doctor explained the BCG tends to affect the result only for 2 or 3 years after received, but not longer than that." I decided to get a second opinion, which was basically the same as the first one. So unwillingly I got the prescription filled. What you see in the picture is only 3 month supply. Staring at those bottles, I decided to do further research online, since I did not medicate my child to kill bacilli which he DOES NOT HAVE in his body. I then learned that there is a variety of BCG strains with varying effectiveness and effective periods depending on the country that administer them, and also that the Japanese version tends to last 15 years (versus 2 to 3 years as generally expected). Our son is 12, so the chances are his positive result is due to BCG. I decided to explain to the doctor that we decided to take a chance and not to medicate him, presuming he does not have bacilli. I learned later that doctors who have dealt with many apanese in the past tend to operate a bit more loosely, not requiring the medication. Well, what should I do with all those bottles sitting in the cabinet. I do not think they take back the prescription drug...
追伸; 主治医の先生(今回初めて会った。今までの先生は他の人だった)にこの3日後会って話をした結果、結局この薬、飲むことになりました。主治医の先生は、ご自身台湾からの移民で、自分も同じようにTBテストで陽性になり、母親がBCG接種が原因で陽性になっていると判断し薬を飲まなかったのだけれど、大きくなってメディカル・スクールに入学していろいろ勉強した結果、やはり飲んでおいたほうがいいと自分で判断して9ヶ月飲んだとのこと。とても親身になって説明してくれました。もし、本当に結核菌が体内にあった場合は後々大変な症状が出るかもしれないが、この薬は子どもの頃に飲むほうが体への負担も少ないので、やはり飲むことをお勧めすると。。。というこどで、毎日飲んでいます。
Sunday evening in the backyard
It's been a month after the big move, and we finally had a luxury to enjoy an "ordinary" Sunday. It was an ordinary Sunday after an ordinary week.
We enjoyed several oranges from the backyard orange tree with a great excitement right after the move, but then somehow become oblivious to it. We found it had full of oranges on branches, and harvested a basketful.
They are wonderful to taste after a few days on the counter.
The backyard basket ball ring is great to have to get some extra exercise.
Dad used to be able to keep running with the ball for an hour, but now ...
It's been a month after the big move, and we finally had a luxury to enjoy an "ordinary" Sunday. It was an ordinary Sunday after an ordinary week.
We enjoyed several oranges from the backyard orange tree with a great excitement right after the move, but then somehow become oblivious to it. We found it had full of oranges on branches, and harvested a basketful.
They are wonderful to taste after a few days on the counter.
The backyard basket ball ring is great to have to get some extra exercise.
Dad used to be able to keep running with the ball for an hour, but now ...
Nishiyamato Academy Saturday School
We are hunting for a school where kids can learn Japanese and related culture. We visited Gardena Buddhist Church Japanese School last week, and this week we went to Nishiyamato Academy Saturday School. This school started as a private middle/high school in Japan, later added an international course. The school was then named as a school for education and research targeted at oversees returnee children, and a while later they opened a campus here in California. People often compare this school with Asahi Gakuen, which is a school started by the Japanese government for the purpose of supplementing the necessary education for children who are planning to go back to Japan after being here for a while. Asahi Gakuen is known for its rigorous course work. It has classes until 3:30 every Saturday, gives lots of homework, and offers classes strictly based on the government-certified textbooks. It has a great reputation but we determined that it might be too much for our kids. Thus we decided to visit Nishiyamato Academy which has classes only until 1:00 every Saturday, gives so so homework, and offers classes loosely based on the textbooks, hoping this might be a better fit for us. They have a weekday course with about 100 students, while the Saturday school, which we visited, has about 300 students on two campuses.
The school building of the Lomita Campus. Here, students from 1st grade to 3rd grade are studying.
They even have a school song, and it was composed by Eikichi Yazawa with words by Shigesato Itoi. Both are pretty popular figures among the young. I am eager to listen to it.
This is a classroom used by the 2nd graders. On the walls in the classes and on the hallways, we saw lots of essays, drawings and projects done by students.
This is one of the 6th grader's classes. They were working on stratum. 4th to 9th graders meet at a public middle school on the gorgeous Palos Verdes hills, which is just south of Torrance. In addition to the core classes of Japanese and Math, they offer Science, Social Studies and PE as electives. There is a school bus going between the two campuses. Fees are; $60 for entrance exam fee, $330 for admission fee and $165 for monthly tuition.
We are hunting for a school where kids can learn Japanese and related culture. We visited Gardena Buddhist Church Japanese School last week, and this week we went to Nishiyamato Academy Saturday School. This school started as a private middle/high school in Japan, later added an international course. The school was then named as a school for education and research targeted at oversees returnee children, and a while later they opened a campus here in California. People often compare this school with Asahi Gakuen, which is a school started by the Japanese government for the purpose of supplementing the necessary education for children who are planning to go back to Japan after being here for a while. Asahi Gakuen is known for its rigorous course work. It has classes until 3:30 every Saturday, gives lots of homework, and offers classes strictly based on the government-certified textbooks. It has a great reputation but we determined that it might be too much for our kids. Thus we decided to visit Nishiyamato Academy which has classes only until 1:00 every Saturday, gives so so homework, and offers classes loosely based on the textbooks, hoping this might be a better fit for us. They have a weekday course with about 100 students, while the Saturday school, which we visited, has about 300 students on two campuses.
The school building of the Lomita Campus. Here, students from 1st grade to 3rd grade are studying.
They even have a school song, and it was composed by Eikichi Yazawa with words by Shigesato Itoi. Both are pretty popular figures among the young. I am eager to listen to it.
This is a classroom used by the 2nd graders. On the walls in the classes and on the hallways, we saw lots of essays, drawings and projects done by students.
This is one of the 6th grader's classes. They were working on stratum. 4th to 9th graders meet at a public middle school on the gorgeous Palos Verdes hills, which is just south of Torrance. In addition to the core classes of Japanese and Math, they offer Science, Social Studies and PE as electives. There is a school bus going between the two campuses. Fees are; $60 for entrance exam fee, $330 for admission fee and $165 for monthly tuition.
Japanese free magazine
These are Japanese free magazines we find in those Japanese grocery stores. Many are published monthly or weekly, but some are daily. Inside you see advertisements of a variety of businesses; doctors, dentists, hair salons, real estate agents, attorneys, banks, travel agencies, cell phone services, water filter services, fertility clinics, plastic surgeons, mental health providers, tutor services, nail salons, massage clinics, etc. etc... Some are owned by Japanese, and others are owned by non -Japanese but they provide Japanese services.
This is the local yellow page, Japanese version. You feel like you are in Japan. Here in Torrance, you can pursue most of the life's necessary tasks by only speaking Japanese.
*** 訂正(correction) ***
昨日、トーランスでは家に入ってくるサービスマンが”自動的に”靴を脱いでくれる”なんて書いたけれど、本日いきなり反例に遭遇。昨日インストレーションに来たTime Warnerの品質管理部門がアフターフォローに来て、インストレーションに満足しているか確認しに来たのだけど、その人はズカズカと靴のまま入ってきた。
それにもうひとつ。ちょっと前のこと、こちらの子どもたちが持っているバックパックについて、”シャーロッツビルではバックパックの底に滑車がついてコロコロと転がして運べるものが流行っていたけど、こちらでは誰も持っていなかった。” などと書いたけれど、確かに中学校にはコロコロ式は皆無に近かったものの、小学校ではここトーランスでもよく見かけます。もしかしたら、バージニアだろうがカリフォルニアだろうが、中学校ともなるとコロコロ式はかっこ悪い(?)ので使わないということなのかも。
Yesterday, I wrote that in Torrance, those service people "automatically take off their shoes!" Well, after a day, I encountered a counter example already. Someone from the quality control department of Time Warner came over to ensure we are happy with the installation performed yesterday. This person just rushed in with his shoes on.
One more correction. A while ago, I wrote about bag packs; "Back in Charlottesville, backpacks with rollers on the bottom were quite popular, but around here you never see those." Well, it holds true for middle school students, but I now realized those roller bags are quite popular at elementary schools. Maybe it is not a matter of Virginia vs. California. It may be that middle schoolers are simply too cool to use those roller bags..
Anyway it reminded me of the Statistics class at college with the professor saying we should not project the observation from a few samples to the whole, which I exactly did...
No shoes inside.
This is a picture of boots just outside my front doors. They belong to the cable guy who came over today for the installation. One thing I love about living in Torrance is you do not have to ask those people to take off their shoes. I just open the door and invite them in, and there we go, they automatically take off their shoes! I still have a very small sample of data, actually three thus far; an Internet guy, a handy man and this cable guy. But all of them cordially took off their shoes without me asking them. In Charlottesville, almost every time I had to ask. Some simply refused to do so, saying they are required to keep the safety shoes on by the regulations. Well, you might not hear me saying any longer here in Torrance, "Do you mind taking off your shoes? We go Japanese way in this house."
New TV
アメリカでは今年6月12日をもって地上波デジタル放送へと完全移行しました。ケーブルTVが嫌いな我が家は、地デジでローカルチャネル(日本語放送もあり。これとかこれ)をタダで見るのを楽しみにしていましたが、借り家のため屋根にアンテナを立てる訳にはいかず、かといって室内アンテナだとどうやってもきれいに写らず、結局ケーブルTV(Time Warner)を契約することに。電話とインターネットもバンドルして、ケーブルTV(200チャネル+DVR+TVJapan追加)とデジタル電話(国内かけ放題+日本まで8セント/分)と高速インターネット(up to 10Mbps)で締めて月々146ドル。まんまとワナに引っかかった気分。
Our old TV which served us for 19 years passed away right before our move at the end of July. Today a successor arrived our home. We have been way too busy to worry about a new TV, but my husband who simply cannot live without watching all those Sumo wrestling matches started screaming, " We need a new TV now!" Actually, this season of Sumo matches has started last Sunday, so he missed couple days already. Tomorrow, cable person will come and do the installation. He will soon be yelling at the screen.
We looked at consumerreoprts.org, zdnet.com, cnet.com and other sites for information and reviews. We sort of decided on Panasonic, but once we were there in the store to actually have a look, all those Japanese products did not look too great with much subdued/less vivid color (probably Japanese like more "natural" color), and thus we decided to pass on them. Well, so Samsung? We didn't want to admit that the time to yield our position in electronics to Korea is approaching! Pass! Magnavox and Vizio? Well, also pass on those cheaper American products. So we settled on Philips (Dutch). My husband added, "Philips make really good razors." So what? I was not quite sure how to respond to that comment, but I was happy we finally agreed on the make. Well, we were in a store, but found out it's cheaper if we go online plus you get it delivered right to your door, so we decided to make a purchase online.
Since they now have completed the transition to digital television in this county and there are many stations around here, we have been so much looking forward to watching those local channels free. We even have couple Japanese channels too. We are not allowed to put up an antenna on the roof, tough, since we are renting the house. We tried a room antenna with amplifier, but simply could not get crisp pictures. After all we decided to subscribe cable TV (Time Warner). A bundle of services, which consists of cable TV (over 200 channels+DVR+TV Japan), digital phone(unlimited local/long distance, $0.08 to Japan/min) and high speed Internet (up to 10Mbps) costs $146 per month. We are one of those typical consumers who were trapped by up-selling and cross-selling.
Laundry basket
The life has been hectic and it will be so until we establish a routine. The elementary school opens at 8:20 and starts at 8:50 (kids play outside on the school yard before the starting bell), and finishes at 3:03. Every Wednesday, they do early dismissal at 2:18. I need to walk her to school and walk home with her. The middle school, on the other hand, opens at 7:00 and starts at 8:10 (kids "study" in the study hall) and finises at 2:57. Every Tuesday, they do late start at 9:25. I drive him to school every morning and he walks home in the afternoon. It is a hassle until our bodies sort of digest and absorb this schedule. Here is a picture to heal me (and you, hopefully).
The life has been hectic and it will be so until we establish a routine. The elementary school opens at 8:20 and starts at 8:50 (kids play outside on the school yard before the starting bell), and finishes at 3:03. Every Wednesday, they do early dismissal at 2:18. I need to walk her to school and walk home with her. The middle school, on the other hand, opens at 7:00 and starts at 8:10 (kids "study" in the study hall) and finises at 2:57. Every Tuesday, they do late start at 9:25. I drive him to school every morning and he walks home in the afternoon. It is a hassle until our bodies sort of digest and absorb this schedule. Here is a picture to heal me (and you, hopefully).
Now it's got feet! It's a laundry basket.
Now it's got feet! It's a laundry basket.
Swiming lesson
She started with a swimming lesson at YMCA. It's an intensive course of an hour per day for 5 days. It seems like they are doing it for advertisement purposes too, so the fee is very reasonable $10 for the whole week. Ever since she saw a school dolphins at the beach, her dream has been to swim with dolphins. When I told her that if she wants to swim with real dolphins, she needs to improve swimming skills, she decided to take a lesson. She had a great start on the first day, and looking forward to coming back.
Gardena Buddhist Church Japanese School
We visited Gardena Buddhist Church Japanese School to observe the classes. Gardena is a town located next to Torrance, and has been a home town for many Japanese Americans over generations. This Buddhist Church belongs to Jodo Shinshu, but it looks and feels very different from those Joso Shinshu temples we see in Japan. Around here, a buddhist church is like a buddhist version of western churches, and seems to have a funcion as a community center to connect people. In addition to the Japanese school, they have classes for flower arrangement, taiko (Japanese drums), piano and so forth. In the front int he picture is the temple, and in the back are class buildings.
In the Japanese school, 300 kids from 5 to 18 year old study Japanese as a foreign language. There are two courses, one for an hour every day from Mon to Fri ($90 to $100/month) and one for 4 hours on Sat ($70 to $95/month). I heard there are students who pass the most difficult test of Nihongo Kentei (Japanese language proficiency test) or AP test for college application.
This is the class for 1st/2nd graders. There seem to be kids who readily understand the teacher's Japanese instruction right away and others who do not. The teacher sometimes added English instructions for the latter. After we visited couple classes, we had a chance to speak with the principal. She told us about the challenge the school faces. There are such a huge variety of students learning here. While some students communicate in Japanese at home, others do not. Parents have differing objectives and targets on kids' Japanese education. Every child progresses very differently. As a result, it is an extreme challenge to meet the needs of every child. Well, that sounds like an exactly same challenge we face at the Japanese School of Charlottesville. I thought it was very interesting that even though they have a much bigger organization here, they still face the same challenge. Next Saturday, we will visit another school.
It was kids' second day of school. Our son went to school on bike along with his dad so that he gets used to bike commuting. Our daughter walked to school like yesterday. After they were gone, I headed to YMCA. We were there as a family for a tour and decided to join them. They really have an excellent facility with machines that even kids can use, versatile sports space that families can use, a variety of group exercise classes, and family events. We became a family member by paying the initial fee of $130 and a monthly fee of $76. Compared to what you need to pay in Charlottesville, this is a really good price, I would say. There are couple other sports clubs that charge pretty comparable fees however, and people here say $76 is still pretty pricey. I did a Yoga class and exercised for 30 min on a machine, before I came home. On Monday, I'll meet with my personal trainer who is going to help me establish a personalized program. This service is also included in the basis membership fee. I think it's great.
Kids finished their second day and came home in pretty good moods. Our son came home with his dad again on bike so that he learned how to reverse the directions. They told us about new friends they met at school. He told us about Kevin and Charlie. Kevin has a very Italian last name but is a Jew. Charlie is a Korean. When our son had to ask him for a pencil to borrow yesterday, he took a pencil with a cute little bear on it from a backpack also with a cure little bear on it. Our son was very impressed that he still has all those stuff with cute little bear, considering he is a middle schooler, and somehow liked him a lot. Our daughter loves Aika-chan, who is a Japanese born in Germany. They had the very first play date today after school.
First day of school
Today is kids' very first day of school here in Torrance, CA. I was so glad that kids (and I) were able to wake up all right this morning. We first headed to the middle school, which starts at 8:10.
We made sure we left home early enough, but it took more time than we expected to find a place to park our car, to get the new student's packet, and also to find the science room, Room #39, where he was supposed to be for Period 1. Period 1 has already started by now, and we didn't see any other students on the campus. Where on earth is Room #39?? I tried to get a shot of him from the front, but you know ... he is too cool to be taken a picture.
結局、何人かの人に聞いて、行き着いたところはキャンパスの果てでした。前方真ん中がルームナンバー#39のサイエンスの教室。以前より違和感があるのだけれど、このあたりの学校は校舎がない。掘っ立て小屋(プレハブというかなんといいますか。。。こちらの人はこの小屋のことを”ポータブルズ”と呼びます)みたいなのがたくさん建っていて、廊下はすべて野外。バージニアの学校は普通 大きな校舎があって、内部に廊下があり廊下の両脇に教室という造り。気候が温暖で雨が少ないからこういう造りなのでしょうが、どうもこの小屋が教室というのが抵抗あるわあ。。。
After we asked several people for Room #39, we found it finally at the far end of the campus. You see it in the center of the picture. See, around there, they do not have a school building. There are lots of shacks or huts instead. People here call them "portables." Although it does not look like you can carry them around, they surely look like prefabs. I guess, I need some time to get used to those shacks. In charlottesville, every school had a nice big school building, and everything, classrooms to cafeteria, was inside the building connected by the internal isles. Here, everything is "outside." You just walk outside to move from a hut to a hut.
This is the elementary school, which starts at 8:50. Our house is located sort of behind the school, so we go through the back gate to enter the school yard, and walk to her hut, oops, her classroom on this little path. The white structure ahead of her is her classroom, Room #23.
This is Room #23. They lined up outside and were entering the room.
This is inside the classroom. Her teacher seemed very nice. They have a parrot and a guinea pig as class pets. There were couple Japanese students in her class.
The middle school finished at 2:57, and the elementary school at 3:03. They came home in one piece. It's same American public schools but is different in many ways. Back in Charlottesville, backpacks with rollers on the bottom were quite popular, but around here you never see those. Our son was virtually one and only person with that type of backpack. Many of the kids come and go on foot or on a bike or sometimes on a skateboard, so they just carry a bag on their back. Another thing is the school supply list. Back in Charlottesville, we got the list pretty early like in June or July, did the shopping and brought them before the school started in fall. Here kids came home with the list today. We had to go supply shopping after school on the first day of school. It just does not feel right... Anyway, those school supplies are VERY expensive here, I found. For example, composition books. I used to get two of them for a dollar at Walmart in Charlotesville. Here Staples sell them for $2.99 a piece. We have every conceivable retail business around here, but NOT Walmart. I miss my Walmart! I took the $2.99 composition book in my hand several times but a part of me just refused to pay that much, so came home hoping that I still have some leftover from last year somewhere in storage. I did not. So I have to go back to Staples to pay $2.99, TWO dollars and NINETY-NINE cents, for a composition book!
Today is kids' very first day of school here in Torrance, CA. I was so glad that kids (and I) were able to wake up all right this morning. We first headed to the middle school, which starts at 8:10.
We made sure we left home early enough, but it took more time than we expected to find a place to park our car, to get the new student's packet, and also to find the science room, Room #39, where he was supposed to be for Period 1. Period 1 has already started by now, and we didn't see any other students on the campus. Where on earth is Room #39?? I tried to get a shot of him from the front, but you know ... he is too cool to be taken a picture.
結局、何人かの人に聞いて、行き着いたところはキャンパスの果てでした。前方真ん中がルームナンバー#39のサイエンスの教室。以前より違和感があるのだけれど、このあたりの学校は校舎がない。掘っ立て小屋(プレハブというかなんといいますか。。。こちらの人はこの小屋のことを”ポータブルズ”と呼びます)みたいなのがたくさん建っていて、廊下はすべて野外。バージニアの学校は普通 大きな校舎があって、内部に廊下があり廊下の両脇に教室という造り。気候が温暖で雨が少ないからこういう造りなのでしょうが、どうもこの小屋が教室というのが抵抗あるわあ。。。
After we asked several people for Room #39, we found it finally at the far end of the campus. You see it in the center of the picture. See, around there, they do not have a school building. There are lots of shacks or huts instead. People here call them "portables." Although it does not look like you can carry them around, they surely look like prefabs. I guess, I need some time to get used to those shacks. In charlottesville, every school had a nice big school building, and everything, classrooms to cafeteria, was inside the building connected by the internal isles. Here, everything is "outside." You just walk outside to move from a hut to a hut.
This is the elementary school, which starts at 8:50. Our house is located sort of behind the school, so we go through the back gate to enter the school yard, and walk to her hut, oops, her classroom on this little path. The white structure ahead of her is her classroom, Room #23.
This is Room #23. They lined up outside and were entering the room.
This is inside the classroom. Her teacher seemed very nice. They have a parrot and a guinea pig as class pets. There were couple Japanese students in her class.
The middle school finished at 2:57, and the elementary school at 3:03. They came home in one piece. It's same American public schools but is different in many ways. Back in Charlottesville, backpacks with rollers on the bottom were quite popular, but around here you never see those. Our son was virtually one and only person with that type of backpack. Many of the kids come and go on foot or on a bike or sometimes on a skateboard, so they just carry a bag on their back. Another thing is the school supply list. Back in Charlottesville, we got the list pretty early like in June or July, did the shopping and brought them before the school started in fall. Here kids came home with the list today. We had to go supply shopping after school on the first day of school. It just does not feel right... Anyway, those school supplies are VERY expensive here, I found. For example, composition books. I used to get two of them for a dollar at Walmart in Charlotesville. Here Staples sell them for $2.99 a piece. We have every conceivable retail business around here, but NOT Walmart. I miss my Walmart! I took the $2.99 composition book in my hand several times but a part of me just refused to pay that much, so came home hoping that I still have some leftover from last year somewhere in storage. I did not. So I have to go back to Staples to pay $2.99, TWO dollars and NINETY-NINE cents, for a composition book!
House tour?
Tomorrow is the first day of the school in California for our kids. Today is thus the very last day of 3 month long vacation, since they were out of school in Virginia on June 5th. Today is also a day with nothing worthy to be written about. So what about a tour around the house?
You open front doors to find yourself in the living room. Many houses around here are built this way. I feel a bit uneasy without an enclosed, or at least defined, foyer.
Stairs to the upper floor from the living room. On the right going 3 steps down, we have a dining area.
This is a dining area with the living room behind the handrails. Do you see Marie Antoinette?
On the left to the dining area, we have the kitchen. There is a little breakfast section facing this way. You see the backyard through the windows. The kitchen is much smaller than the one we had in our Virginia home, so I had to struggle with organizing things.
In front of the kitchen is the family room. You see the backyard through the french doors.
The right half of the backyard is a grass area. Behind this wall is a swimming pool that belongs to the house in the back. I guess we need to make friends with them and get invited, ha.
この家、4ベッドルーム+3バスルーム。1977年に建てられ、ロットは6,000 sqft、家は2,529 sqft。大家さんは、2006年5月に$1,023,000で購入しており、現在の予想市場価格は$940,500(ちょっと前まで$778,000だったんだけど、最近このあたりの不動産は少し上向きらしい)。ちなみに固定資産税の査定は土地が$650,000で、家は$200,000の計$850,000で、税率1.039%を掛けると1年の固定資産税はなんと$10,625。高いなあ。NYタイムズが面白いサイトを作っていて、いろいろなパラメータを入れると、賃貸するほうが得かそれとも家を購入するほうが得かを計算してくれる。ちなみに今の賃貸料の$3,200を入れて計算してみると、もしこれから不動産価格が年に3%上昇すると過程した場合、9年以上住むつもりなら購入したほうが得という結果。価格上昇がこれ以下の場合、あるいは9年以下で引っ越す場合は、ずっと賃貸していたほうがいいということ。買っても高い、借りても高いが、今後どうするか。一つ思ったのは、家具などが入らないと困るので、少なくとも2,500sqは欲しいと思ってこの家を選んだけれど、実際住んで見るともう少し狭くてもなんとかなると思い始めた。1,800sqもあれば十分。野外に楽しみがたくさんあるので、家の中にあれこれなくても寝るとこさえあればオッケーということかしら。今度の家はさらなるダウンサイズに臨んでみようかな。
This house was built in 1977 and has 4 bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms. The lot size is 6,000 sq ft and the house has 2,5,29 sq ft. Our landlord purchased this house for $1,023,000 in May, 2006 and the current estimated market value is $940,500 according to zillow.com. It has been $778,000 up to this fall, but the real estate market around this area has picked up a bit, it seems. The tax assessment is $650,000 for the land and $200,000 for the house. The property tax rate is 1.039% to yield the annual property tax of $10,625. NY Times has an interesting web site which calculates whether you will be better off buying a house or renting. I punched in our current rent of $3,200 and other parameters into the site and there it is.. the result is that we would be better off buying under the assumption that the real estate value increases 3% per year and we stay in the house for 9 years or longer. If the real estate value does not increase that much OR we stay in the house shorter than 9 years, we would be better off renting. Either you buy or rent, it is so expensive anyway. I wonder what would be our game plan for the future. One thing I discovered is that we probably do not need 2,500 sq ft. Worried whether we can get all our furniture and other stuff into the new house, we insisted on a house of at least 2,500 sq ft, but now we are pretty sure wen can do well with 1,800 sq ft. You have lots of fun outside, so as long as you have enough space for fundamental activities of life, you would be okay. So we probably challenge further downsizing for the next house, I guess.
Tomorrow is the first day of the school in California for our kids. Today is thus the very last day of 3 month long vacation, since they were out of school in Virginia on June 5th. Today is also a day with nothing worthy to be written about. So what about a tour around the house?
You open front doors to find yourself in the living room. Many houses around here are built this way. I feel a bit uneasy without an enclosed, or at least defined, foyer.
Stairs to the upper floor from the living room. On the right going 3 steps down, we have a dining area.
This is a dining area with the living room behind the handrails. Do you see Marie Antoinette?
On the left to the dining area, we have the kitchen. There is a little breakfast section facing this way. You see the backyard through the windows. The kitchen is much smaller than the one we had in our Virginia home, so I had to struggle with organizing things.
In front of the kitchen is the family room. You see the backyard through the french doors.
Half of the backyard is a concrete patio.
Half of the backyard is a concrete patio.
Concrete patio from another angle. On the left you see the orange tree we love.
Concrete patio from another angle. On the left you see the orange tree we love.
The right half of the backyard is a grass area. Behind this wall is a swimming pool that belongs to the house in the back. I guess we need to make friends with them and get invited, ha.
この家、4ベッドルーム+3バスルーム。1977年に建てられ、ロットは6,000 sqft、家は2,529 sqft。大家さんは、2006年5月に$1,023,000で購入しており、現在の予想市場価格は$940,500(ちょっと前まで$778,000だったんだけど、最近このあたりの不動産は少し上向きらしい)。ちなみに固定資産税の査定は土地が$650,000で、家は$200,000の計$850,000で、税率1.039%を掛けると1年の固定資産税はなんと$10,625。高いなあ。NYタイムズが面白いサイトを作っていて、いろいろなパラメータを入れると、賃貸するほうが得かそれとも家を購入するほうが得かを計算してくれる。ちなみに今の賃貸料の$3,200を入れて計算してみると、もしこれから不動産価格が年に3%上昇すると過程した場合、9年以上住むつもりなら購入したほうが得という結果。価格上昇がこれ以下の場合、あるいは9年以下で引っ越す場合は、ずっと賃貸していたほうがいいということ。買っても高い、借りても高いが、今後どうするか。一つ思ったのは、家具などが入らないと困るので、少なくとも2,500sqは欲しいと思ってこの家を選んだけれど、実際住んで見るともう少し狭くてもなんとかなると思い始めた。1,800sqもあれば十分。野外に楽しみがたくさんあるので、家の中にあれこれなくても寝るとこさえあればオッケーということかしら。今度の家はさらなるダウンサイズに臨んでみようかな。
This house was built in 1977 and has 4 bedrooms and 3 full bathrooms. The lot size is 6,000 sq ft and the house has 2,5,29 sq ft. Our landlord purchased this house for $1,023,000 in May, 2006 and the current estimated market value is $940,500 according to zillow.com. It has been $778,000 up to this fall, but the real estate market around this area has picked up a bit, it seems. The tax assessment is $650,000 for the land and $200,000 for the house. The property tax rate is 1.039% to yield the annual property tax of $10,625. NY Times has an interesting web site which calculates whether you will be better off buying a house or renting. I punched in our current rent of $3,200 and other parameters into the site and there it is.. the result is that we would be better off buying under the assumption that the real estate value increases 3% per year and we stay in the house for 9 years or longer. If the real estate value does not increase that much OR we stay in the house shorter than 9 years, we would be better off renting. Either you buy or rent, it is so expensive anyway. I wonder what would be our game plan for the future. One thing I discovered is that we probably do not need 2,500 sq ft. Worried whether we can get all our furniture and other stuff into the new house, we insisted on a house of at least 2,500 sq ft, but now we are pretty sure wen can do well with 1,800 sq ft. You have lots of fun outside, so as long as you have enough space for fundamental activities of life, you would be okay. So we probably challenge further downsizing for the next house, I guess.
Language tests
2時間後テストを無事終えた息子に聞いてみたところ、”日本語でエッセーを書かされたよぉ~”とのこと。”テーマは?”と聞くと、”一番好きな場所”とのこと。”ちゃんと書けた?”と聞くと、”#*&%$@”という答え。いつも漢字を避けがちでひらがなばっかりの文を書いているので、”漢字も使ったの?”と聞くと、”一番、好き、場所などは漢字で書きましたぁ”とのこと。”よく書けたね。ちっとも最近勉強してなかったのに~”というと、”問題に使ってあった漢字をコピーしましたぁ。" ちゃっかりしてるね。ちなみに、一番好きな場所は日本だそうです。しかしながら、日本語力をテストしてその結果をどうするのだろう??今度聞いてみます。。。
Today our son had a language test administered by the school district. In most of the states, for students whose first language is not English, there is a system that test their English capability and provide necessary supports according to the results. In our case, the first language is Japanese, and so we filled on the school documents. Under the California law, students are required to take the language test before they are allowed to be in public schools. We are told if we miss today's test, he will not be able to start the school on 9/10 along with other kids. We were very nervous if we were able to wake up in time, since we were on a "summer" schedule for a long time, but we made it there alright. Yeah! Our daughter took the test last week already.
When we arrived in the building, there was quite a few people already waiting int the lobby. After a while, we were divided into smaller groups by the first language, and shown to a test room. For each language, there is a staff who speaks the language to support us filling the documents. They are brochures translated in each language (see the picture). V ery impressive. The interesting thing is that they test not only English but also our first languages. In our case it's Japanese, of course. Our son was more nervous with the Japanese part of the test than with English, worrying about the embarrassment he needs to endure in case he cannot handle some fundamental Kanjis, that is Japanese characters.
After 2 hours, he came out of the building, saying, "Mom, I was told to write an essay in Japanese." I asked him what was the theme. He said it was "the place I like the best." I asked him whether he thought he did okay. He said, "#*&%$@." I asked him whether we was able to use some Kanjis, since writing everything without Kanjis looks pretty childish. He said, "I wrote place and like and best in Kanjis." I told him I was impressed that he remembered all those Kanjis. He said, "Well, those Kanjis were in the problem sentence so I just copied." Okay, better than nothing... FYI, the place he likes the best is Japan. Anyway, I wonder why they test his Japanese and how they put the test result in use?? I will find out.
So cheap in California!
カリフォルニアの消費税は7.25%でこれは全米でもちろん一番高い率。ついでに書くと、ミシシッピ、ニュー・ジャージー、ロード・アイランド、テネシー が7%で次ぎ、その後ワシントン、ミネソタ、ネバダが6.5%。テキサスとイリノイの6.25%が後を追います。バージニアは5%。カリフォルニアの 7.25%はどうみても高すぎだけれど、うれしいことに非加工食品には税がかかりません。普通多くの州が食品は非課税としていますが、バージニアは課税する数少ない州のうちのひとつ(食品の消費税は2.5%)。ウエスト・バージニア(同4%)とテネシー(同5.5%)が同じような州です。つまり、ここでは食品の元値が安いうえに非課税なので、とても安く感じるようです。
Everything is expensive in California, right? Well, that is at least what I believed until now. But to my surprise, there are couple of things I found so inexpensive in comparison to the price level I am used to in Virginia. First of all, it's grocery. The fresh produce is abundant and very reasonable. Other items like meat and fish are very reasonably priced, too. Even brand name products, Thomas Bagels and Danone Activia yogurt for example, are much cheaper than the prices I was paying in Charlottesville, VA. Today I went grocery shopping and purchased a full cart of food, for which I would be easily paying $120 in Virginia. The total was only $79.
In California, the sales tax rate is 7.25%, which it THE highest in this country. For your info, the second highest is 7% of Mississippi, New Jersey, Road Island and Tennessee, and then 6.5% of Washington, Minnesota and Nevada, followed by 6.25% of Texas and Illinois. Virginia's rate is 5%. California's 7.25% is gross by any standard, but they do not tax "unprocessed food items," thus I rarely pay tax on food I buy. Actually Virginia is one of the very few states that tax food (2.5% on food), along with West Virginia (4%) and Tennessee (5.5%) . Here in California, the prices are low to start with and there is no tax on it, so going grocery became my favorite activity.
Blessed day
Rolling Hills Covenant Church, which we had been to two weeks ago, had an outdoor worship today, so we joined them there. It was actually an outdoor worship/curry lunch/field day. We had 8 different curries, from extremely spicy to non-spicy, and it was fun to try a bit of everything. After lunch, we had fun with casual competitions of various field matches.
Daddy took part in a tug of war. He is the second from the left. This match was "senior" group consisting of ten of over-40 people on the left vs. "youth" group consisting of seven of under-40 people on the right. The result? Senior group won "with ease."
This is two of us in a three-legged race. We did just fine, singing one, two, one two... We were blessed with southern California sunshine and enjoyed the day so much. It brought us back the wonderful memories of those filed days we shared with friends of Charlottesville Japanese school back in Virginia. This was a day we spent, thinking of good old friends in Charlottesville, and wishing we make good new friends here in Los Angeles.
The first ride
Look at our bikes! We had to buy three bikes, since only dad had his. We first purchased three bikes at Target, but two of them were not up to our expectation, so we returned them and got something else at Toysrus. It took us a whole week, but now each of us has what we like the best. Eager to try the new bikes, we took a little ride to our son's middle school. It was just a mile or so, but oh how tired I got. Our daughter still rides one with training wheels, and it sometimes got trapped with uneven pavements. I worried so much if she was able to handle the direction when we went across a busy street. You also need to watch for cars backing up from carports beside the sidewalk. At least for a while, we'd better stick to parks and bike paths on the beach, we decided after all.
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