I attended a seminar by DELMAC (District English Learner Multicultural Advisory Committee) in Torrance. It targeted at parents of English learners in the Torrance School District, and topics are on English learning and other school educations. You were able to pick three sessions among many. The picture is the morning registration for the sessions. I would way 80% are Eastern Asian (60% Japanese, 15% Korean, 5% other Eastern Asian). The remaining 20% are South East Asian (Philippino etc), Mexican and other Spanish speaking, and Arabic. Interpretation service was provided in five languages. In the midst of this California budget crisis, it was free!
2) カリフォルニア標準テストへの準備 ; カリフォルニアでは2年生から標準テスト(日本の全国学力テストみたいなもの)を受けなくてはならないのだけど、その説明。写真はその様子。
3) リーディングを楽しく ; 英語のリーディング力を伸ばすためのアドバイス
I chose these three sessions; 1) Preparation for College, 2) Preparation for STAR test (California standardized test, starting at 2nd grade in California), and 3) Joy of Reading. The picture above is how parents were exposed to STAR test questions on PC during the seminar #2. These sessions were all informative, but tiring too! It is a very demanding world kids face today (and parents, too). In my childhood, I never had to worry about college until my senior year. I never had to take standardized tests in elementary school. I studied really hard only for half a year or so to prepare for the college entrance exams and somehow managed to enter a pretty good university. Lucky me! It does work like that any longer...