When I turned on my PC and accessed to daily news this morning they were showing on live the public hearing with Toyota president, Akio Inaba, before the congress. I did not plan to, but somehow stayed tuned for hours. Toyota is said to be dealing with the repair on the recalled vehicles at the pace of 50,000 cars per day. It was back in the late fall when this problem surfaced, but Mr. Toyoda of the parent company in Japan never visited the Unites States for an official apology nor clarification until today. Along with the dissatisfaction on the delayed response from years while the American counterparts have been rolling down the hill. Every state took turns to throw tough questions at him. After Mr. Toyoda first read a prepared statement with a strong Japanese accent, it was Mr. Inaba of Toyota America who answered most of the questions with a good command of English. Once in a while, Mr. Toyoda gave answers in Japanese through an interpreter, but he seems to lack the crispness and confidence. According to a source, to be hired by Toyota, he had to apply for a position by submitting his resume as all other candidates. He graduated from Keio University, a prominent private university in Tokyo and later received a MBA from Babson University, which I have never heard of. I cannot deny the doubt that he is there because he is the grandson of the founder. Personally, my husband and I are big fans and extremely loyal customers of Toyota cars. We do hope Toyota regains its world reputation on quality soon.