We were so much looking forward to having a nice morning walk in Santa Fe, then the cell phone rang and it was
Tony, the moving truck driver. He asked us if he could make the delivery on 8/17. We are actually targeting at 8/17 afternoon to arrive in LA, so it does not work for us. He has a family reunion between 8/18 and 8/23, and if we miss 8/17 , he can only do 8/24. So we decided to contact the moving company for another driver and insist on delivery after 8/18. After all those calls and e-mails, it was already noon time. Being hungry, we went out to explore downtown Santa Fe.

After a Mexican lunch, we visited St. Francis Cathedral in downtown, Santa Fe. It has beautiful adobe exterior and gorgeous interior with abundant stained glass and wall art.

Around 2:00 pm, we left Santa Fe, continued on Interstate 25 to Albuquerque, and switched onto Interstate 40. There are many Pueblos, that are Native American communities, around here, and we dropped by Laguna Pueblo on Interstate 40. The picture is a small mission in the pueblo.

An old structure in Laguna Pueblo. Wall is made of local rocks and adobe clay.
In a mean time, we received a call from Tony, the driver, saying the moving company arranged another driver to make the delivery on 8/18. Relieved.

とにかく暑くて乾燥しているので、のどが渇く。ラグナ・プエブロのガソリンスタンドのお店で飲み物を買う。レジの横にはこんなものが。ピクルスだけれども、一番右の赤いのはいったい何で漬けてあるの?と不思議顔で覗き込む私をみて、インディアンのおばちゃんが教えてくれる。”これはクールエイドで漬けてあるのよ。” クールエイドというのは、合成着色料ギトギトの真っ赤(時には真っ青)の甘~い飲み物。おばちゃんいわく、これが一番の売れ筋。そういわれては引き下がれないと、ひとつ買う。すっぱくて、ちょっと甘くて、しょっぱ~い。
It is hot and dry here in New Mexico. You get thirsty so soon. We dropped in a gas station close to Laguna Pueblo. At the cash register, we found three jars sitting on the counter. They are pickles all right, but why on earth the last one is red? The cashier, a Native American lady, answered my question. It was pickles in Kool Aid. Yew.. but I bought one. It was sour, sweet, and very very salty.

We switched to a rural route 53 at Grants. On 53, we found this place called Bandera Ice Cave & Volcano. The above is the ice cave. You go down 10 yards or so on stairways and found yourself in the midst of winter. The temperature here never goes up 31 degrees. The cave has 20 feet thick ice bottom. The green stuff on the ice is Arctic Algae.

Once you are out of the cave, you are surrounded by lava field.

This one is Bandera Volcano. A huge hole!

We continued on the rural 53, and found this huge rock, El Morro National Monument.

Another shot of El Morro National Monument. If you have time, 1 hour hike will take you to the top of the rock.
We switched from rural 53 to 602, which took us to Gallup. After a very reasonable and delicious Chinese dinner, we went to tonight's hotel. When we turned on our computer in the hotel room, we found an e-mail message from the mover. They said that they are all set with 8/18 delivery, but there will be an additional charge of $2,500 for that. Don't be silly. We e-mailed them back that we DID NOT ask for any additional service other than what is agreed on the original contract (the original contract indicated a range of delivery dates between8/17 and 8/22). Well, I will keep you posted what happens next.