
Girl Scouts Cookie Sale


We did the Girl Scouts cookie sale in front of Albertson (a grocery store). Girls asked every single person coming out of the store, "Would you like to buy some Girl Scouts cookies?" We sold 123 boxes at $4 each. 75 cents per box remain with us for the troop's use. We thus raised $92.25 today for our future activities. Isn't that pretty good?

人種的にいうとあんまりアジア人は買ってくれません。案外知らん顔で通り過ぎていく人が多い。白人のおばちゃんがわりと買ってくれる。自分の子どもや家族でガール・スカウトをしていたという人が多いみたい。子どもは偏見がないので誰にでも声をかけるので面白いよ。大人からみて「うわ~、、この人はちょっと。。。」というような人にも平気で声をかけます。たとえば、髪の毛つったてて、スタッドのイガイガのブレスレットをはめているようなあんちゃんにも、「クッキー買いませんか?」 ところが案外そういう人が、「じゃサモアを一箱。」とお財布を出してくれたりする。サモアというのはクッキーの種類の名前。迷わずクッキー指名でくるあたり、おにいちゃん、そんな格好してるのにガール・スカウト・クッキー案外食べてるね! あとは、20ドル札を出していきなり5箱も買ってくれるおばちゃんとか、自分じゃ食べないからお金だけあげるから一箱みんなでおやつに食べなさいといってくれる人とか。いろんな人がいてヒューマン・ウォッチングが楽しかったよ。

Older caucasion people tend to buy more than other groups. Asians tend to simply ingore and pass the booth. Yikes! Girls, not yet equipped with prejudice, ask any person who passes by. We had a punky-looking, post-teenager with spiky hair and studded bracelet. I said in my heart, "Not him..." Yes, girls asked him. Surprisingly, he said, "Ok, I would get Samoa (name of the cookie) real quick," and took out his wallet. We also had a woman who took out $20 and got 5 boxes right away, or another woman who said, "I will give you the money and you share a box of your choice." It was a fun experience. We enjoyed it.


Crazy Saturday


We had a busy day today. I dropped two kids at the Japanese school at 8:00 am.


At 11:10 am, I picked up my son at the Japanese school. He was specially allowed to miss the part of the 3rd period and the entire 4th period so that he could attend his friend's birthday party (they watched "Persy Jackson" at the theater and moved to Pizza Hut for dinner).


From the Japanese school straight to the theater, where I dropped him off to meet his friends. I planned to stay with him until they come meet him, but he snapped, "Mom, I don't need you. You can go."


From the theater straight to the Japanese school to pick up my daughter. This is a different campus than her brother's (the Japanese school has two campuses). She was also specially allowed to miss the 4th period so that she caould join the girl scout's skating trip.


We then met one of the girl scout moms, rode with her and went to the Korean school so that she can pick her daughter up there.


We drove straight to the ice skate link, where other girls were already enjoying skating.


After skating, we enjoyed hot chocolate. When we came home, it was early evening. Our son is still not home. It's not difficult to predict what's gonna happen. He will call asking me for a ride home soon. Yes, I am a chauffeur without pay or tip.

DELMAC seminar

今日は、DELMAC(District English Learner Multicultural Advisory Committee - トーランス学校区の英語修習者・多文化教育委員会)のセミナーがあり参加しました。トーランス市の公立学校(小・中・高)に通う第一言語が英語以外の学生の親が対象で、英語教育や通常の学校教育にまつわるさまざまなトピックについて小セミナーがたくさん用意されていて、自分の興味のあるトピックを選んで3つのセミナーに参加できます。上の写真は朝一番の、セミナー参加の登録受付の様子。80%は東アジア人(日本人60%、韓国人15%、その他の東アジア人5%)。20%が東南アジア系(フィリピン系など)やメキシコ系やアラブ系。5ヶ国語で同時通訳サービスあり。この財政難の中、なんと無料!

I attended a seminar by DELMAC (District English Learner Multicultural Advisory Committee) in Torrance. It targeted at parents of English learners in the Torrance School District, and topics are on English learning and other school educations. You were able to pick three sessions among many. The picture is the morning registration for the sessions. I would way 80% are Eastern Asian (60% Japanese, 15% Korean, 5% other Eastern Asian). The remaining 20% are South East Asian (Philippino etc), Mexican and other Spanish speaking, and Arabic. Interpretation service was provided in five languages. In the midst of this California budget crisis, it was free!

私は、1) 大学受験への用意 ; 大学受験に向けての成績や課外活動(アメリカの優良大学に入るには、課外活動(クラブ、スポーツ、ボランティア活動など)がかなり重視されます)の要件について

2) カリフォルニア標準テストへの準備 ; カリフォルニアでは2年生から標準テスト(日本の全国学力テストみたいなもの)を受けなくてはならないのだけど、その説明。写真はその様子。

3) リーディングを楽しく ; 英語のリーディング力を伸ばすためのアドバイス


I chose these three sessions; 1) Preparation for College, 2) Preparation for STAR test (California standardized test, starting at 2nd grade in California), and 3) Joy of Reading. The picture above is how parents were exposed to STAR test questions on PC during the seminar #2. These sessions were all informative, but tiring too! It is a very demanding world kids face today (and parents, too). In my childhood, I never had to worry about college until my senior year. I never had to take standardized tests in elementary school. I studied really hard only for half a year or so to prepare for the college entrance exams and somehow managed to enter a pretty good university. Lucky me! It does work like that any longer...


Rain storm


The weather has been pretty nice for a week or so, but we again will have a series of rain over the coming weekend. In January and February, the weather has been pretty nasty. It is not always a perfect weather even in Southern California. Funny thing is that people around here say a storm is coming to mean that it will be rainy over a couple of days. A couple rainy days mean only a quarter inch of precipitation, but still it qualifies as a storm. When we used to live in Indiana, we had ice storms once in a while. I remember those beautifully transparent icy formation on tree branches and power lines. When we used to live in Virginia, we had snow storms. Kids were so excited running around in the snow in the yard. Here in California, it's rain storms. Well, if you looked up the word "storm" in dictionary, it is defined as "an atmospheric disturbance manifested in strong winds accompanied by rain, snow, or other precipitation and often by thunder and lightning." So as long as there is an atmospheric disturbance with some wind and rain, could it pass as a storm? Everything is relative, I guess. It just depends on what you are used to.


Toyota appology


When I turned on my PC and accessed to daily news this morning they were showing on live the public hearing with Toyota president, Akio Inaba, before the congress. I did not plan to, but somehow stayed tuned for hours. Toyota is said to be dealing with the repair on the recalled vehicles at the pace of 50,000 cars per day. It was back in the late fall when this problem surfaced, but Mr. Toyoda of the parent company in Japan never visited the Unites States for an official apology nor clarification until today. Along with the dissatisfaction on the delayed response from years while the American counterparts have been rolling down the hill. Every state took turns to throw tough questions at him. After Mr. Toyoda first read a prepared statement with a strong Japanese accent, it was Mr. Inaba of Toyota America who answered most of the questions with a good command of English. Once in a while, Mr. Toyoda gave answers in Japanese through an interpreter, but he seems to lack the crispness and confidence. According to a source, to be hired by Toyota, he had to apply for a position by submitting his resume as all other candidates. He graduated from Keio University, a prominent private university in Tokyo and later received a MBA from Babson University, which I have never heard of. I cannot deny the doubt that he is there because he is the grandson of the founder. Personally, my husband and I are big fans and extremely loyal customers of Toyota cars. We do hope Toyota regains its world reputation on quality soon.




I thought I was taller when I secretly checking us in the mirror last week. Today, he passed me. 12 years, 5 months and 23 days ago, he was inside my belly, for sure.


See? Well, I am a small person, so it wasn't too hard for him. It's going to be a while before he passes his dad.


Son-Daddy Curry


We had a curry dinner yesterday. Our son, always craving for curry, found in a grocery store this Golden Curry package that says EXTRA HOT. He had to have it.

私のつくるカレーは、セロリとかトマトとか野菜をいっぱいいれるのでダメなんだって。というわけで、今日はママはクビ(うゎ~い!) 本当のカレーは、いっぱいの玉ねぎと適量のにんじんしかいれないんだそうです。にんじんの皮をむく息子と、玉ねぎをいためるパパ。

He complains curry I make has way too much veggies in it. I usually cook it with celery and tomato. That was dismissed as NG. So I was temporarily fired today, and a son and daddy team took it over. In this picture, it's carrot-pealing son and onion-frying dad.


Here they are measuring the water to be added. They are discussing whether they should use a Japanese cup (200 ml) or an American cup (240 ml). The answer is that they need to use an American cup, since all the measurements are translated into American specs.


Here is the outcome! It was hot, but was much milder that I anticipated, probably due to well caramelized onion.




This is Jack, a Pomeranian. We are dogsitting him while his family is back in Japan for two weeks. Usually he is pretty noisy running around you and sniffing all over, but today he was a different dog. It must have been lonely just by himself locked in the house all day. I wish I were able to speak his language and explain the situation... Poor Jack...


Ugly Duckling


Our daughter checked out this book from the school library. It's a Japanese book, isn't it ("Ugly Duckling")? It seems they have books in various languages. This reflects the environment they are in. It is so multi-cultural and multi-language. I wrote about our 6th grader son who is enjoying his Asian American friends at the middle school. Today I will write a little about our 2nd grader daughter's. Most of her best friends are Japanese. As soon as she arrives at school every morning, she starts playing in Japanese right away. There are quite a few Japanese girls in 2nd grade, many of whom are born here in this country or moved to this country when they were very young. Most of them do not have a plan to go back to Japan. They are so called "Eijyu gumi (those who stay here forever)." Nonetheless, their Japanese is extremely advanced in comparison with our daughter's, since they went to "Japanese preschools" and had much exposure to Japanese magazines, books and TV programs. We simply did not have that luxury in Virginia. On top of that our daughter is not a mature type, so sometimes it is touch for her to keep up with other Japanese friends. Well, but it's been 6 months, and now she started using some sassy Japans with attitude!




I went to a Japanese lunch with a friend. This is Uni (urchin) don (bowl). $13.50. They use urchin caught off Santa Barbara shores. I never loved urchin, but this one, I loved... Actually it was delicious without stink. I gave A +.


Sick in bed




Letter from Six Flags

これ、遊園地のSix Flagsから来た手紙。息子が、お友達の誕生日にSix Flagsに連れて行ってもらったのはかれこれ1ヶ月以上前。その後、Englishのクラスで手紙の書き方を勉強したらしい。何でもいいからどこかの会社に手紙を書くという宿題がでて、息子が選んだ会社はSix Flags。なんちゃらっていうジェットコースターが楽しかったとか、また行きたいとかたわいもないことを書いたのだけど、ちゃんとお返事が来ました。アメリカでは案外気楽にこういうことをします。子どもが、いろんな会社をはじめ大統領や議員に手紙を書くというのもよく聞きます。手紙がきたら、お返事はちゃんとするというのも礼儀。このSix Flagsからの手紙は、もちろん使い回しができるようあらかじめ用意されたものですが、それにしてもちゃんとひとりひとりの名前を入れて、マネージャーがサインもして出すんだから手間だよねえ。どうせなら割引券の一枚でも入れてくれればいいのになあ。

This is a letter from Six Flags Magic Mountain. Our son was invited to a blast day at Six Flags to cerebrate his frined's birthday a month ago. After the trip, they worked on how to write an official letter in English class at school. They had an assignment that requires them to pick a business or organization and send it an actual letter. Our son picked Six Flags. He just wrote that jet coaster was fun or this ride was exciting, blah, blah blah, but did receive a very formal thank you letter with a real signature on it! I wish they included a free ticket or two, ha.


President's Day

今日は、プレジデンツ・デー(別名、ワシントン・デー)でお休み。先週の月曜はリンカーン・デーで子どもの学校はお休みだったけど、パパの勤める大学は授業あり。この国の祝日にはいささか当惑しがちなことは先週のブログにも書いたとおり。昨日からパパが「明日の授業の準備をしないと。。」といそいそと仕事をしていたので、今日も普通のとおり出勤と思い、おべんとうをつくって「いってらっしゃい。」 ところが、15分もしないうちに帰ってきた。「今日はいったい何の日?」とパパ。「プレジデンツ・デーだけど。」と私。「車がぜんぜんいないよ(道路に)。」とパパ。大学のスケジュールを見ると、ちゃんとお休みと書いてある。頼むよパパ。アメリカ生活ももう長いのに、タイム・チェンジもちゃんとできないし、お休みの日もわからない私たちでした。。。

Today kids had a day off for President's Day. The last Monday they had a day off for Lincoln Day, but daddy went to work (it's an university), since they had classes as usual. He has classes to teach Mondays and Wednesdays. Watching him preparing for the Monday class over the weekend, I assumed that he needs to go work as usual on Monday. We got up as usual, and he left with his lunch box as usual. He then came back in 15 minutes saying, "What day was it today?" I told him, "It's President's Day." He replied, "There were no cars on roads!" He finally thought of checking with the university calendar to find out no class today. After all these years in this country, we sill cannot change times right nor observe the holiday schedule right.


Virginia snow


We enjoyed a gorgeous weather today here in Southern California. It's been raining pretty bad for the past weeks, though. On the east coast, on the other hand, they are getting tremendous amounts of snow! We received some pictures from our friends in Virginia. I have never seen this much snow while we lived there for the past 1o years.

Beautiful, isn't it?


This is our house in Virginia, still on the market. Our Realtors were planning for an open house tomorrow, but they canceled it due to the snow. Our driveway is completely buried under the snow, and there is no access from the street to the house. We just hired somebody to remove the snow.


Valentine's Day


Today was Friday, but they celebrated Valentine's Day today at school, since the real Valentine's Day falls on Sunday this year.


Here are the cookie bags my daughter and I prepared for her class.


Here are the treats she brought back home. Her school is a sort of health conscious, and there is a school policy that we should not bring any junk food, and when we do bring sweets, it should be of lower than 100 calorie per child. We saw some note books and pencils instead of candies among the treats.


Penguin report


This is a science report our daughter has been working on for past weeks. Due tomorrow and now it's done! Students are supposed to pick an animal that hibernates or migrates and do the research on its life. She picked emperor penguins. It's a big report for a second grader, with 13 pages! We borrowed 8 books from library and have been reading them every day.


Penguin is a bird that cannot fly and is professional at swimming. It has lots of fat since it lives in an extreme cold.


The last section to finish was a little story about the animal. Anything goes, but kids are supposed to write more than 6 sentences. She just fret about it and has been avoiding it until the last moment. I gave her a sheet of paper to start, but nothing came out. So one night, instead of reading time, we had a story making time in bed. I gave her the setting on the story, then she, who loves animals and plays with many animal figures on a daily basis, took off from there and kept going forever. The next day, I gave her a sheet of paper and told her to write down whatever she remembers from the previous night. She kept on writing until the end of the second page as if she was taken over by a penguin spirit! It was a heart-warming story of a very nice lion seal (predator to penguins) nicely giving up eating a penguin and becoming his friend.


Backpack forgotten

いつも7時45分に家を出る息子。くつを履いて、自転車をガレージから出し、ヘルメットをかぶって、「はい、いってらっしゃい。」 勢いよく自転車で去っていく。いつものごとく、角を曲がって姿が見えなくなるまで安全を祈りつつ見送り、「やれやれ、今度は娘の番。」と家に入ろうとしたら、あらま、息子のバックパックが。。。すぐ追いかければ追いつくと思い、車に飛び乗り後を追う。案の定、すぐそこの横断歩道で自転車を止めて信号を待つ息子。すぐ横に止まって、「お~い!バックパック、バックパック!」と声をかけようとしたとたん、信号が青になりそのまま行っちゃった。バックパックなしのせいか、いかにも軽やかな漕ぎぶりですこと。。その後も後を追おうとするけど、歩道と車道は微妙に距離があって、しかも学校の周りは工事をしているし、簡単に駐車する場所もない。息子の姿は見えず。しかたなく帰宅。すると、息子から電話。「バックパック、忘れちゃった。」 というわけでもう一度学校に行って届けた次第です。頼むよぉ~。。。

Our son leaves home for school around 7:45 every morning. As always, he put on his shoes, wore the helmet and got on the bike this morning. "Bye. Have a safe ride," I say. He shooted out of the garage. I saw him off as usual until he came to the corner of the neighborhood, where he made a turn. One down. Another one to go (2nd grade daughter,who I walk to school past 8:30). As soon as I came in the house, I saw his backpack sitting in the hallway. I jumped in the car and followed him. He was not far from the neighborhood, waiting for the traffic light. I yelled out of the car window, "You forgot the backpa....." The traffic light turned green, and he went across without noticing me. I tried to continue following, but there was always a good distance between the bike path and the car lane, and I just did not have luck getting his attention. I came close to the school, but as always there was a huge traffic jam around there. No place for easy park either. He was nowhere in sight. I so decided to come home. As soon as I went inside the house, the phone rang. You guessed it right. It was my boy, saying "I left my backpack!" Another trip to school followed.


Science test



Our daughter's class has a science test tomorrow. They have been studying on rocks and soils. It involves rather conceptual elements like how weathering affects rocks or how animals help making soil better. She just had a social study test last week and have a science report due on coming Friday. She, of course, has a daily assignment also. There's so much to do. Before every test, parents get an e-mail notification and are asked to"help kids to study". These days all those text books are "interactive" with corresponding web sites. When you log onto those sites, you can do the interactive review of what they have learned and take a pre-test online. It may be super convenient, but sometime I wish we did not have that... She is only a second grader...

As for our 6th grader son, we do not micro-manage. He is on his own being responsible for assignments and exams. However, parents have an access to this website that is created for each student, and can check detailed status on every single assignment and exam, including if he has turned it in on time and the points/grades he received. It may be super convenient, but sometimes I wish I did not have that access... Everything is possible in this world, but it is hard to live in it, too, isn't it?


Lincoln Day



School is off today for Lincoln Day. What is Lincoln Day, anyway? Next Monday is off too for Washington Day. Washington Day is a national holiday, while Lincoln Day is not. I sometimes am so confused by holidays in this country. In Japan, we have 21 national holidays, and on all of them we ALL take days off AS A COUNTRY. In the US, on the other hand, there are only 11 national holidays. In addition, some states have state holidays. On top of that, organizations and schools sometimes have their own "holidays" like this Lincoln Day. On some days, kids have a day off and parents have it on. On others, it's the other way around. Being a Japanese, this system is not easy to get used to.

Anyway, kids stayed home and daddy went to work today. Kids did not find anything enticing for lunch in the refrigerator. So we went to a nearby grocery. The picture is the outcome; chocolate eclairs, Japanese pudding, pastries and a cup noodle. We paid $8.50. It was a fun lunch on this Lincoln Day.




This is Asashoryu, a Sumo wrestler. My husband is a big fan of him, but this Sumo wrestler retired two days ago after being accused of a violent act on one of his friends. My husband never ever missed his matches. Whenever Asashoryu won, he was a happy person. Whenever Asashoryu lost, you didn't want to talk to him. Asashoryu was from Mongolia. He was awefully talented and extremely powerful. He was not a typical Sumo wrestler, though. His behavior was a little more than many Japanese could tolerate. You know, Sumo is a national sport of Japan, so people expect you more than if you were, say, a soccer player. My husband and I thought the little problematic part of Asashoryu is the ingredients that make him what he is, but lots of Japanese did not agree. Well, violence is after all inexcusable. My husband now looks his life was zapped out of him. I know we cannot have Asashoryu back any longer, but I like to have my husband back!



「ママ、今日の夕ご飯なに~?」は4時半ぐらいになると聞こえるいつもの質問。「ハンバーグ」→「わ~い!」 あるいは、「焼肉」 → 「い えぃ!」 あるいは、「カレー」 → 「やったぁ~!」 と運ぶわけ。たまに、「野菜入りうどん」 → 「あ~あ (失望の音)」となることもある。とこ ろが、反応が返ってこず質問攻めになる場合もあり。それはチゲ鍋のとき。「ママ、今日のごはんなに~?」 → 「チゲ」 → 「なにそれ?」 → 「チゲ というのは韓国語でお鍋だから、韓国風お鍋ということよ。」 → 「なんだっけ、それ?」  韓国メニューの好きな我が家だけど、「チゲ」という言葉だけ はどうしても頭に残らないらしい。そもそも、鍋物は冬にしかやらないので、毎年せっかく覚えても春、夏と過ごすうちに記憶から消えるらしい。家族で囲む鍋 は幸せなもの、とくに寒いときは。。。我が家は相当なことがない限り、家族4人で夕食をするというのが日課。結婚して19年、家族で(最初はふたりだけ ど)夕飯を食べないのは、出張時を除けばほとんどない。子どもが小さいころ、夜パーティーなどにお呼ばれしてちゃんと夕食を食べて帰ってくるのに、帰りの 車のなかで、「ママ、今日の夕ご飯なに~?」とよく聞かれたもの。テーブルに4人で揃って食べないと「夕ご飯を食べた」ということにならないらしい。我が 家の小さな誇りかな。

"Mom, what are we having dinner?" This is the question I get around 4:30 every day. I answer, "Meet patty," then they go "Yeah!" I reply, "Yakiniku", then they scream, "Wow!" When I say, "Vegetable noodle in soup," tough, they go, "uuuuugh." Usually I get an instant feedback, but sometime I get lots of questions instead. That is the case when I say, "We are going to have Chige." They go, "What?" I say, "Chige is a Korean word for hot pot, so it's a hot pot, Korean style." Since we only have hot pots in winter, the word registers with them finally by the end of winter and over spring and summer, it is quickly erased each year. Anyway, today's menu is Chige, and a hot pot is just wonderful to have as a family on a cold rainy day like today. It's our family motto to have dinner together at the table every day. It's been 19 years since I married my husband, but there has been only countable days that we (just two of us at the beginning) did not have dinner together, excluding when my husband was on business trips. When kids were little, whenever we had "dinner" at parties or at friend's house, they used to ask me in the car on the way home, "Mom, what are we having dinner today?" "Dinner" we do not have as a family at the table simply does not register with them as dinner. It's a tiny thing but something we take pride in...


Dog sitting


We heard the door bell rang and opend the door to find a neighbor friend. She had a dog on leash. She explained that she was dog-sitting her friend's dog, while the family was gone somewhere. It's a Siberian Husky baby and sooo cute. She was so excited and walking the dog in the neighborhood, dropping in here or there to show off. Thanks for sharing the happiness!




Today is a Setsubun Day. We have a custom that we throw dried soybeans around, and afterward you pick beans by the number of your age and eat them. You throw beans at Oni (see the red faced demon?) wishing he goes away from the house and good luck comes in the house instead. Last Saturday, they celebrated this tradition at the Japanese School. Wow, that Oni is the most professional looking one that I have ever seen! (It's the principal, I heard.)






Our son has been coughing pretty badly. I don't know whether it's some sort of allergy or just cold. He looks fine without fever, but his cough causes distraction to himself as well as to others around. I try to be sympathetic, but when he keeps coughing at school, I guess people find it pretty hard to stay sympathetic. So I took him to see a doctor, who said his airway seems a little narrower than it should be and prescribed him two kinds of medications. One is the well known Albuterol and the other is a steroid called Qvar. Along with two fancy inhalers, it was more than $100 altogether.

As many of you already know, Albuterol is generic, while Qvar is a brand name. I asked the pharmacist if there is a generic product for Qvar, but he said no. Since I saw two boxes of them, I decided to return one of them, after being told that one box is 50 day supply. Qvar is a rather stronger medication, that is targeted at patients with chronic asthma. Considering our son does not have asthma and uses it for a temporary relief of cough, I did not believe we need that much stock. I also saw two inhalers. The doctor meant one for home and one for school. I didn't think he needs it at school, so I returned it too. So after all it came down to $60. After I came home, I did a little research online to find out that Qvar usually needs to be taken for longer than 1 to 2 weeks before you see the improvement. It makes sense it is meant to control chronic asthma. After all I decided to see how he does only with Albuterol for a while. His symptom is not life threatening anyway. The doctor might have simply over-prescribed this time ...




I cannot think of anything particular to write about today, so I will show you the doodles my son made during Japanese III class at his Japanese school.



1) おります --  ご名前
2) います -- お名前
3) おられます -- ご名前
4) いらっしゃいます -- お名前


They are now working on the polite forms of Japanese conversation, which are a challenge even for me (well, my level is low). I did not expect him to be able to handle much, but he was getting 90% or so right on the multiple choice questions. It seemed he remembers what he hears from watching Japanese drams.