
Chess club over

金曜日の授業のあと、娘がアフター・スクール・プログラムとしてやっていたチェス・クラブが今日で終了しました。ちょっとばかし、ゆっくりまったりタイプのうちの娘。「入りたい、入りたい!」と騒いでクラブに入ったものの、金曜が来るとクラブがあることをすっかり忘れてしまって参ったよ。最初の週は、朝、「今日はチェスだから、授業の後、ちゃんとカフェテリアに行くんだよ。家に帰るためにゲートにいっちゃだめだよ。先生もきっとリマインドしてくれるだろうけど。」と言い聞かせて送ったのに、授業が終わったらすっかり忘れて(先生もリマインドしてくれず)、ゲートの外でぼーっとママのお迎えを待っていた。友達のお母さんが立ち尽くす娘を見て、電話をくれて一件落着。2週目こそと思い、「今日はチェスだからね。いいわね?」と朝言うと、「わかったよ。」 念のため、先生にも、「言い聞かせましたが、もしまた忘れるといけないので、リマインドしてください」とじきじきにお願い。先生も、「オッケー。オッケー。」 それなのに! 授業が終わると、またゲートの外で能天気に私を待っている娘。本人も、先生も忘れたらしい。こういう天気だと、人間もそうなるのかねえ。どうしたものかと悩んだ結果、3週目からバックパックに「I have CHESS today」のリボンをつけることに。これで、やっと習慣ができて、金曜日には無事チェスにいけるようになりました。でも今日でおしまい。またそのうち始まるらしい。このリボンはとっておきます。

My daughter's Friday chess club, which was offered as a part of the after school program, had its last day today. For the first few weeks, she just kept forgetting that she had chess after school. You know, she is not a type who has a good sense of days of the week or following schedule. So I paid special caution the morning on the first day to remind her that it was a chess day. I told her, "Make sure you go to cafeteria, not to the gate to go home, after school. You have to remember, even though I am pretty sure your teacher would remind you." She nodded obediently. After school, she was standing outside the gate waiting for me to walk home, however. She forgot. The teacher did not remind her. One of the mothers noticed her standing there and called me... Then the second week came. When I saw her off that morning, I told her 5 times that she had chess. She said ok. I also asked the teacher in person to remind her just in case she forgot. The teacher said ok. Then after school, she was again standing outside the gate waiting for me. She forgot. The teacher forgot. Is it the weather?? I have no clue. I decided to try something else. I came up with this ribbon saying, " I have CHESS today." on her bag pack. Bingo! That worked. After that she never forgot. The 7 week club is over now, though. She will go back, when the next one comes up. I will keep this ribbon.