ということで、我が家の4人の場合、これに該当するのは子どもたちふたりだけ。とりあえず、本日、行きつけの病院に行ったところ、20分ほど待って順番が来ました。ワクチンの形態には2つあって、ひとつは鼻からいれるスプレータイプのもの、もうひとつは従来の注射。喘息などの問題がない限り、鼻スプレーがデフォルトになっているらしく、しかもこちらのほうが有効度が高いとのことで、うちはふたりとも鼻スプレー。「痛い?痛い?」と心配していた娘は、鼻スプレーと聞いて一気に元気を取り戻し、笑顔で摂取に臨みました。両鼻にスプレーを入れてもらって、ふたりとも、「なんか、味がする。」 鼻と口はつながっていることを発見して帰ってきました。
Kids got the H1N1 flu shots. The priority group for the vaccination consists of pregnant women, those who care for infants under 6 months of age, health care and EMS workers, those ranging from 6 months through 18 years of age, and 19- to 64-year-olds with underlying medical conditions. This translates to about half of the United States population.
In our family, only our two kids fall within this priority group. I took them to our doctor's office. After 20 minute or so wait, we had our turn. There are two types of vaccination, the nasal spray vaccine and the conventional flu shot. If you do not have medical conditions such as asthma, the default you get is the nasal type, which is supposed to be more effective. As soon as they realized that they were going to get the nasal spray instead of shots, our daughter switched from a tragedy mode to a dancing mode. When they had those spray into both nostrils, they said, "I taste it!" We came home with a little discovery that our nose and mouth are connected inside.