I went to a Dim Sum lunch with a group from every Tuesdays' bible study at the church. It was for a birthday of one of the member's. I tried lots of lots of stuff. My favorite was fried Shisyamo, stuffed Yuba, and sesame bun with bean paste. This is a great place to come with a large group so you can try a bit of everything. When I am with a group like this, I remember those old friends in Charlottesville, Virginia, where we lived for 9 years. There is nothing more fun than being with old friends sharing good old memories. We used to laugh so hard whenever somebody brought up funny memories to the table. The Japanese community in Charlottesville was a tiny one, but it was a tightly knit community where kids are born into, raised together and parents help each other on every occasion. It was a Furusato, or a mother country, to many Japanese who spent time there.