You did look cool in that firefighter outfit, but you are even cooler inside. (消防士の格好はとってもかっこよかったけれど、あなたのハートはもっとかっこいいわ!)ギャレット、ポップコーンありがとう。あと、いつかあそべる。わたしのおともだちになってね。
It's a little while ago, but when our daughter's class had a Halloween party the other day at school, there was this hart-warming incident. During the party, there was a treasure hunt, where kids looked for a bag of popcorn hidden outside in the back of classroom building. A kind parent prepared those bags and made sure there is enough bags for each child. On the signal from the teacher, kids went out of the classroom and ran for a bag. Everybody dashed for it, except our daughter. She was sort of overwhelmed by the excitement and standing there frozen. Everybody came back with a bag in hand. She slowly joined others and looked for one, but no bag. A boy called Garret then came up to her and encouraged her to look. He himself tried to search for the last bag for her. Somehow the last bag was lost and they could not find it. Everybody else was gone back in the classroom already. Garret looked down at his own bag for a while and then said, "Here, you can have mine." Garret not only looked like a hero that day since he was in a firefighter costume for the party, but also he really was. He is a Japanese American with a Japanese last name. He goes to a Japanese school every day after school. His mom told me that she cannot help him with Kanji, since she does not know much of those, so she takes him to grandpa and grandma who teach him Kanji.
We thus decided to write a thank you letter in English and Japanese both. It said;
You did look cool in the firefighter outfit, but you are even cooler inside.ギャレット、ポップコーンありがとう。あと、いつかあそべる。わたしのおともだちになってね。(Garret, thank you so much for the popcorn. Can we have a play date sometime? Please be my friend.)
I heard he does not speak much Japanese at school, but she reported back to me that he was able to read the card she wrote all right. It was such a nice hart-warming experience my daughter and I shared.