息子は友達ふたりとモールでデート。本当は、4:30からの「2012」という映画を見に行くはずだったのだけれど、4:00過ぎに(モールの中にある)映画館に着いたらすでに4:30pmの上映はsold out。仕方がないので、6:25pmのチケットを買い、その間、モールでブラブラする彼ら。20ドルずつ親からもらって。私は運転手で送っていっただけ。一応、3人の親がOKして、子どもだけでの外出を許したわけ。それにしても、4:00pmから9:00pmまで6年生の子ども3人だけでの外出。なんか、こういう経験を今までしたことがないので、子どもは喜んでいるけれど、親としては不安。1) 頻繁に家に電話すること、2) 必ず3人で行動すること(トイレも!)を条件に折れたわけ。このあたりは、前に住んでいたシャーロッツビルと比べると、子どもの行動自由度が高い。自転車、徒歩、ローラースケート通学も多いし、学校の後、子どもだけで道を歩いているのもよく見かける。シャーロッツビルは完全に車社会だったので、いつも親が一緒というパターンが多かった。このいきなりの大きな変化に、ちょっとばかり戸惑ってしまう私。子離れできない親にはなりたくないけれど、子どもの安全確保も大事だし。。。ちなみに双方の安全度(2007年のデータ citi-data.com)を比較してみたら。。。
バージニア州 カリフォルニア州
シャーロッツビル トーランス
殺人 7.5件 1.4件
レイプ 64.6件 14.7件
窃盗 231件 149件
暴力 375件 74.8件
インデックス 437.6 186.3
Our son got to "hang around" in the mall with his two buddies. They were planning to go watch the movie "2012" in the mall theater, but we did not arrive early enough to get the ticket (it was all sold out), so they decided to wait for the next show starting at 6:25pm. The parents of the three boys agreed to let them hang around in the mall until the show and watch the show by themselves. The got $20 each for the outing. Those two boys seemed to have done it before, but for our son, this was his first and the biggest mall/movie outing without parents. This was my first, too as a parent. My husband and I reluctantly decided to let him do that under two conditions; 1) call home often to let us know they are safe and 2) stick together always, even for bathrooms. Around here, I feel the degree of freedom children enjoy is much higher than what we were used to back in Charlottesville, VA. Here in Torrance, kids bike, walk, or roller skate to schools. You see kids walking streets even after school by themselves. Charlottesville, on the other hand, was infinitely close to 100% car dependent society. Kids, younger ones definitely, tend to be more under protection of parents most of the time. This gap is sometimes overwhelming for me to digest. I don't want to be an over-protective parent, but you always need to ensure the safety of your child. Well, I looked into the safety levels of those two cities for reference. It's 2007 data from city-data.com
Charlottesville Torrance
murder 7.5 1.4
rape 64.6 14.7
robberies 231 149
assaults 375 74.8
(per population of 100,000)
index 437.6 186.3
(US ave. = 320. The lower, the safer. )
Surprisingly, it's safer here in Torrance in Los Angeles county than in that beautiful Charlottesville. That's good to know, but we should not be too relaxed. We need to gradually let our child go, while working hard to teach and train him how to protect himself from possible troubles. We are entering another phase of parenting, definitely.