Since I was rear-ended in the car accident the other day, I started suffering from a whiplash 5 days after the incident. I have gone seen a doctor and got the diagnosis of sprain of neck and back. It's very common that Japanese people go to a chiropractor or acupuncturist for treatment when they have whiplash. However, my MD told me to just take IBU profen and muscle relaxant. That's it. According to the western medicine, whiplash is just a sprain of muscles, so time will heal whatever is causing the pain. My pain worsened over several days after it started, so I was a sort of in doubt, but took the muscle relaxant prescribed anyway. Wow, it worked. I would say 70% of the pain has now gone. It sounds very American that you heal whiplash with medications. In Japan, taking medication is probably the last thing you think of when you have whiplash. The only thing I don't like about this medicine is that it makes you drowsy. I don't need another accident to deal with, so should be careful when to use it...
Muscle Relaxer
Since I was rear-ended in the car accident the other day, I started suffering from a whiplash 5 days after the incident. I have gone seen a doctor and got the diagnosis of sprain of neck and back. It's very common that Japanese people go to a chiropractor or acupuncturist for treatment when they have whiplash. However, my MD told me to just take IBU profen and muscle relaxant. That's it. According to the western medicine, whiplash is just a sprain of muscles, so time will heal whatever is causing the pain. My pain worsened over several days after it started, so I was a sort of in doubt, but took the muscle relaxant prescribed anyway. Wow, it worked. I would say 70% of the pain has now gone. It sounds very American that you heal whiplash with medications. In Japan, taking medication is probably the last thing you think of when you have whiplash. The only thing I don't like about this medicine is that it makes you drowsy. I don't need another accident to deal with, so should be careful when to use it...
Visitor from Japan

The very first visitor from Japan in our new house was H san. We worked in the same department years ago, when I was still in Japan. She was in San Fransisco on business, and flew down to see us in Los Angeles this weekend. This was Thanksgiving weekend, and it seemed the flights were almost booked up. She found a ticket but had to pay $300 for the round trip. We wish she could stay a few more days.. Thanks though for taking time to come see us!
Our guitarist
This is our guitarist. He took this picture himself and edited it using Adobe Photoshop. This guitar he is using now is a 3/4 size for kids (well, but it is a Fender!) . He now wants to have a better one and has been trying to save up. He did laundry the other day to earn $5 and purchased new strings. I did not know, but you are supposed to replace strings once a month or so. If you like to watch him playing, click here.
Thanksgiving dinner
It's Thanksgiving day! I am usually very busy on this day, starting preparing turkey, mushed potato, asparagus etc. etc. right before noon. It was not like that today. I was busy preparing those papers for the insurance companies and when I was done, it was 5:00 pm. We went to Mitsuwa, a Japanese grocery store and decided to get a Sushi plate for dinner. It was right before the closing time, so we got lucky only having to pay $24 for $31.50 plate. We dropped by in a video store and rented a recorded Japanese TV program. We will watch it as a family now. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
A cute log
Thanksgiving holiday started today. Kids stayed home. Daddy stayed home (working). I remember those fun Thanksgiving memories we shared with our friends back in Charlottesville. We do not have any plan for tomorrow. Actually, it has been so hectic for past days dealing with papers and calls related to the traffic accident I was involved last week. Oh, I hate insurance companies. My husband has been crazily busy with the due coming soon. I now suffer from neck and back sprain (that is a fancier name of whiplash). Kids were glued to TV, complaining they cannot go anywhere or play with anybody. We need a good smile to no feel miserable!
Thanksgiving holiday started today. Kids stayed home. Daddy stayed home (working). I remember those fun Thanksgiving memories we shared with our friends back in Charlottesville. We do not have any plan for tomorrow. Actually, it has been so hectic for past days dealing with papers and calls related to the traffic accident I was involved last week. Oh, I hate insurance companies. My husband has been crazily busy with the due coming soon. I now suffer from neck and back sprain (that is a fancier name of whiplash). Kids were glued to TV, complaining they cannot go anywhere or play with anybody. We need a good smile to no feel miserable!
Thanksgiving play
Thanksgiving is coming up. The schools are off starting tomorrow. Our daughter's class put together a very cute Thanksgiving play called "Tom Turkey." She volunteered for the pony role, but did not get it. It made her "a little sad," but she tried her best to memorize all the songs and sang really well on the day!
Two visitors

We had two visitors this weekend. One is Fluffy, the Guinea pig. He is the class pet in our daughter's classroom. He visits different students houses to sleep over during the weekend. Our animal-loving daughter has bee waiting for this day to come. Fluffy must be quite tired after a long day with this demanding animal lover. Sleep tight, Fluffy!

The other is Bob, who was my husband's advisor in his graduate school. He now lives in San Diego, and visited Cal Tech for a business on Friday and stayed with us that night. He is a great person to look up to both in career and life. We have tried to get together as a family whenever possible. He is a person who makes people very comfortable, which we admire a lot. You just lose the track of time talking with him.
Movie night (w/o parents)

バージニア州 カリフォルニア州
シャーロッツビル トーランス
殺人 7.5件 1.4件
レイプ 64.6件 14.7件
窃盗 231件 149件
暴力 375件 74.8件
インデックス 437.6 186.3
Our son got to "hang around" in the mall with his two buddies. They were planning to go watch the movie "2012" in the mall theater, but we did not arrive early enough to get the ticket (it was all sold out), so they decided to wait for the next show starting at 6:25pm. The parents of the three boys agreed to let them hang around in the mall until the show and watch the show by themselves. The got $20 each for the outing. Those two boys seemed to have done it before, but for our son, this was his first and the biggest mall/movie outing without parents. This was my first, too as a parent. My husband and I reluctantly decided to let him do that under two conditions; 1) call home often to let us know they are safe and 2) stick together always, even for bathrooms. Around here, I feel the degree of freedom children enjoy is much higher than what we were used to back in Charlottesville, VA. Here in Torrance, kids bike, walk, or roller skate to schools. You see kids walking streets even after school by themselves. Charlottesville, on the other hand, was infinitely close to 100% car dependent society. Kids, younger ones definitely, tend to be more under protection of parents most of the time. This gap is sometimes overwhelming for me to digest. I don't want to be an over-protective parent, but you always need to ensure the safety of your child. Well, I looked into the safety levels of those two cities for reference. It's 2007 data from
Charlottesville Torrance
murder 7.5 1.4
rape 64.6 14.7
robberies 231 149
assaults 375 74.8
(per population of 100,000)
index 437.6 186.3
(US ave. = 320. The lower, the safer. )
Surprisingly, it's safer here in Torrance in Los Angeles county than in that beautiful Charlottesville. That's good to know, but we should not be too relaxed. We need to gradually let our child go, while working hard to teach and train him how to protect himself from possible troubles. We are entering another phase of parenting, definitely.
Chess club over

My daughter's Friday chess club, which was offered as a part of the after school program, had its last day today. For the first few weeks, she just kept forgetting that she had chess after school. You know, she is not a type who has a good sense of days of the week or following schedule. So I paid special caution the morning on the first day to remind her that it was a chess day. I told her, "Make sure you go to cafeteria, not to the gate to go home, after school. You have to remember, even though I am pretty sure your teacher would remind you." She nodded obediently. After school, she was standing outside the gate waiting for me to walk home, however. She forgot. The teacher did not remind her. One of the mothers noticed her standing there and called me... Then the second week came. When I saw her off that morning, I told her 5 times that she had chess. She said ok. I also asked the teacher in person to remind her just in case she forgot. The teacher said ok. Then after school, she was again standing outside the gate waiting for me. She forgot. The teacher forgot. Is it the weather?? I have no clue. I decided to try something else. I came up with this ribbon saying, " I have CHESS today." on her bag pack. Bingo! That worked. After that she never forgot. The 7 week club is over now, though. She will go back, when the next one comes up. I will keep this ribbon.
Los Angeles Zoo
2nd graders had a field trip to Los Angeles Zoo in Griffith Park. I am still scared of driving on highways around here, so I rode with a mother from my daughter's class. We walked around and were so exhausted. Let the pictures talk to you.

2nd graders had a field trip to Los Angeles Zoo in Griffith Park. I am still scared of driving on highways around here, so I rode with a mother from my daughter's class. We walked around and were so exhausted. Let the pictures talk to you.

Dim sum lunch

I went to a Dim Sum lunch with a group from every Tuesdays' bible study at the church. It was for a birthday of one of the member's. I tried lots of lots of stuff. My favorite was fried Shisyamo, stuffed Yuba, and sesame bun with bean paste. This is a great place to come with a large group so you can try a bit of everything. When I am with a group like this, I remember those old friends in Charlottesville, Virginia, where we lived for 9 years. There is nothing more fun than being with old friends sharing good old memories. We used to laugh so hard whenever somebody brought up funny memories to the table. The Japanese community in Charlottesville was a tiny one, but it was a tightly knit community where kids are born into, raised together and parents help each other on every occasion. It was a Furusato, or a mother country, to many Japanese who spent time there.
Car accident

I was involved in a car accident. In the evening, on the way to YMCA to pick up my son. 4 cars involved. The picture shows the last three(#2, #3, #4). The blue one is mine (#2). NO INJURIES. The one ahead of me (#1) simply stopped without any conceivable reason (no congestion, no traffic lights, no nothing) right in the middle of the busy road. I stepped on my brake and stopped just in time. Then I felt this shock from behind which pushed me forward to hit #1. A lady came out of the car #1 and asked me for a driver's license. I asked her for one too, which she was not too happy about. In her head, always the one behind is at fault. I would agree, but still what she did was completely out of common sense. Anyway after I noted her driver's license and insurance company, I decided to work on the driver of the last car (#4), since that was where this accident started. As soon as I approached her, she said, "I am so sorry, it's ALL my fault." I was not expecting these words at all in the middle of litigious Los Angeles county, so I was in a (nice) shock. She admitted that she (#4) hit #3,that made #3 hit me (#2) and that made me hit #1.

4代目の女性がすんなり非を認めたので、調書は30分足らずで完成。最初は当事者同士英語で話していたけれど、そのうち私が息子に日本語で話しているのを聞いた3代目の高校生らしいあんちゃん(きれいな英語を話していた)が、完璧な敬語で、「日本人でいらっしゃいますか?」 彼は日本人でした。4代目の女性も日系アメリカ人であることが判明。忙しい中こんな事故に巻き込まれてみんないやな思いをしたろうに、口論もそしりあいもまったくなく、スムーズに調書作成に至ったこと、とくに4代目の女性が降りるなり謝ったことが、とても新鮮でうれしかった。しいていうなら、1台目の女性(ヒスパニック系)が、「自分はまるで悪くない」路線だったのでむかついたけれど。ちょっと国粋主義的に聞こえるかもしれないけれど、日本の「わが身を省みる心」、「素直に非を認める心」が、きっとアメリカ生まれであろうあの日本の苗字を持つ女性の中に生きていたことが、これから日系アメリカ人となっていくわが子たちの将来を思うとき、光を注いでくれた気がする。わたしの車はバンパーの破損だけで済んだのでそのまま帰宅できました。
Shown in the above picture is the car #3. It was sandwiched between two SUV's and crushed on both front end and rear end. You know, when I drive, I always think about how inconvenient it would be if you happen to forget to carry a cell phone on that particular day. That exactly happened today. Furthermore, I was on the way to YMCA to pick up my boy. I had my boy waiting for me to come at YMCA. I had my daughter at home waiting, who believed I would be back in less than 10 minutes. I called my boy's cell, using somebody's cell. No answer. It looked it was going to take some time before the police was done with making a report. My car was stuck on the spot. What do I do? I though of telling the officer about those two kids, and asking him to drive to YMCA and home to fetch them. But I remembered that it is illegal to leave a child below 13 alone at home in California, so I decided not to go with the option. After all I got a permission to leave the spot for 10 minutes, walk to YMCA and come back with my boy to the spot. Using his cell, I called a friend to see my daughter at home.
Since the lady in car #4 admitted her fault right away, the report was done smoothly in 30 minutes. At first, those involved were all speaking in English to each other, but when the young man in car #3 heard me talking to my boy in Japanese, he, who was completely fluent in English, asked me whether I was Japanese in a perfect polite form of Japanese. He was Japanese, and it turned out the lady in the car #4 was Japanese American. Even though everybody had right to be a little irritated or frustrated with this kind of accident during busy hours, everybody waited patiently without any argument or finger-pointing for the finish of police report. Especially the fact that the lady in the car #4 admitted her fault (and even apologized!) right away was refreshing after 14 years in this country. Witnessing that principles of self-reflecting and fault-admitting in good old Japan are living in this lady who has a Japanese last name but was probably born in this country, brought me hope when I think of the path ahead of our two young kids who are also growing to be Japanese American. After the report was done, I was able to drive my car home, since the damages were only on bumpers.
Coffee break
After I was done with a little business in our daughter's elementary school, there was one hour before I was picked her up for dismissal. So three of us mothers got together and decided to go for a little coffee break. We first picked Starbucks, but quickly upgraded it to a nicer cafe run by a Korean owner. $6 for a cake and coffee. We chose a table by the window and tasted each other's cake. This is something I remember from a long time ago. This brought up the memory of a cafe we used to go when I was in college. We just chatted over a cake and coffee there. I experience this feeling one in a while since we moved to Torrance, a feeling that you encounter something which you have forgotten for a long time. I feels like my going back to my old days in Japan or experiencing a totally new side of the US.
Head lice

We received a notice about head lice found among the students in our daughter's class. I checked her head and hair, but did not find anything. Well, lice and eggs are both so tiny, so my aging eyes might not be able to notice them, I worry.

A lice egg is this tiny (this is not my daughter, thank God!). Lice eggs are often found on hair, and lice on the hairlines. We tend to believe that if you do not keep your hair clean, you get head lice, but that is not true, I read. I did not think they have head lice in Japan, but that was not true, either. I found online quite a few cases of head lice in school in Japan, too. They jump from head to head, or via pillows, cushions, and hats. I will keep an eye on her.
Sweet treat

After the Japanese School, we enjoyed a little excursion to an ice cream (actually, it's frozen yogurt) shop with our daughter's friend. We donated "strongly recommended donation of $50" to the middle school PTA, and they sent us a thank you note along with a free cup coupon. We bought 5 cups along with lots of toppings, and the young girl at counter said, "It's $7.35." A honest part of me told her that it was too little, since we ordered 5 cups for three dollar something each. She was a trainee maybe, and the owner came out and recalculated. We paid $17.55 after all.

Beyond the line of palm trees afar is Pacific Ocean. I cannot believe we were eating ice cream outside in T-shirts in November! No sense of seasons whatsoever! The pictures do not show daddy but he was with us!
Morning walk
I went on a morning hike with somebody I met in a Yoga class at YMCA. She is from Taiwan, and brought another Taiwanese friend. We met on the top of the hill in Palos Verdes at 9:00 am, and started out right away.
This area is called Portuguese Bend Reserve. Weird name, huh? Perfect weather and it felt great!
Sadly there was a big wild fire around here back in Summer, and a great part of the reserve was affected. Can you see the tree in the front that is burnt black?
When I told my daughter about the hike, she warned me, "Mom, watch out for tick bites!" Well, around here I did not see any deers, so no tick bites to worry about... We walked 4 miles total.
I went on a morning hike with somebody I met in a Yoga class at YMCA. She is from Taiwan, and brought another Taiwanese friend. We met on the top of the hill in Palos Verdes at 9:00 am, and started out right away.
This area is called Portuguese Bend Reserve. Weird name, huh? Perfect weather and it felt great!
Sadly there was a big wild fire around here back in Summer, and a great part of the reserve was affected. Can you see the tree in the front that is burnt black?
When I told my daughter about the hike, she warned me, "Mom, watch out for tick bites!" Well, around here I did not see any deers, so no tick bites to worry about... We walked 4 miles total.
Aftermath of Halloween
It's been over 10 days since Halloween. Most of the candies in those heavy bags were lost into kids' stomachs. Some of the candies were so gross, I accidentally put those in a trash can once in a while, but I usually allow kids to have them if they wish so, since this is once a year special occasion to try otherwise unapproved stuff. It sometimes can be quite hard to watch my beloved kids punting those yucky things into their system. Some examples are...
It's been over 10 days since Halloween. Most of the candies in those heavy bags were lost into kids' stomachs. Some of the candies were so gross, I accidentally put those in a trash can once in a while, but I usually allow kids to have them if they wish so, since this is once a year special occasion to try otherwise unapproved stuff. It sometimes can be quite hard to watch my beloved kids punting those yucky things into their system. Some examples are...
Universal Studios
The school was off today for Veteran's Day. We had a nice family excursion to Universal Studios Hollywood. It was a nice break from our busy days packed with homework, projects and Japanese school. When we were here in LA back in May for pre-move research, we visited Universal Studio and invested in annual passes, so this time we went in without paying. How nice! I was expecting it to be pretty empty since it was Wednesday in November, but it was not, being quite busy with local families with kids just like us.
We had dinner at Hard Rock Cafe, per request of our guitarist son. A shot in front of the gigantic guitar.
On walls were guitars, drums and other memorabilia related to those famous bands and musicians.
One of them was this certificate of marriage of John Lennon and Yoko Ono in Gibraltar in England. It looked authentic, but is it???
The school was off today for Veteran's Day. We had a nice family excursion to Universal Studios Hollywood. It was a nice break from our busy days packed with homework, projects and Japanese school. When we were here in LA back in May for pre-move research, we visited Universal Studio and invested in annual passes, so this time we went in without paying. How nice! I was expecting it to be pretty empty since it was Wednesday in November, but it was not, being quite busy with local families with kids just like us.
Pay attention, Bart!
We had dinner at Hard Rock Cafe, per request of our guitarist son. A shot in front of the gigantic guitar.
On walls were guitars, drums and other memorabilia related to those famous bands and musicians.
One of them was this certificate of marriage of John Lennon and Yoko Ono in Gibraltar in England. It looked authentic, but is it???
Fall color (or lack of it)
It's almost the middle of November, right? It just does not feel right. It feels like I attended a commencement ceremony in a wedding dress. See, if you are in Virginia, the fall color is now at its' peak. You enjoy yellow, orange, red and brown of turning leaves while you drive, walk or even clean your yard. You are simply embraced by the mother nature's blessings and start thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas. Well, here in Southern California, you do not see even a tiniest change in the scenery around you. I still have the same flowers blooming in my back yard, as those I found when we moved into this house in August, like..
and this. They were in full bloom back in Summer and are in full bloom now in November. Are they stay in full bloom forever??? It seems like this part of the Los Angeles county has the mildest climate with the minimal change in temperatures throughout the year.
Here in Torrance,
Summer high is 79 degrees F/low is 60 degrees F and
November high is 71 degrees F and low is 50 degrees F,
while in the Northeastern part of the county,
Summer high is 96 degrees F/low is 66 degrees F and
November high is 65 degrees F and low is 42 degrees F.
In this area called South Bay, including Torrance, it is cooler in Summer and milder in Winter. It is a nice place to live climate-wise, but it just does not feel right to see same flowers all through the year! What I miss the most right now is...

It's almost the middle of November, right? It just does not feel right. It feels like I attended a commencement ceremony in a wedding dress. See, if you are in Virginia, the fall color is now at its' peak. You enjoy yellow, orange, red and brown of turning leaves while you drive, walk or even clean your yard. You are simply embraced by the mother nature's blessings and start thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas. Well, here in Southern California, you do not see even a tiniest change in the scenery around you. I still have the same flowers blooming in my back yard, as those I found when we moved into this house in August, like..

and this. They were in full bloom back in Summer and are in full bloom now in November. Are they stay in full bloom forever??? It seems like this part of the Los Angeles county has the mildest climate with the minimal change in temperatures throughout the year.
Here in Torrance,
Summer high is 79 degrees F/low is 60 degrees F and
November high is 71 degrees F and low is 50 degrees F,
while in the Northeastern part of the county,
Summer high is 96 degrees F/low is 66 degrees F and
November high is 65 degrees F and low is 42 degrees F.
In this area called South Bay, including Torrance, it is cooler in Summer and milder in Winter. It is a nice place to live climate-wise, but it just does not feel right to see same flowers all through the year! What I miss the most right now is...

this! Oh, how I miss Virginia!
this! Oh, how I miss Virginia!
A book I read
I had a chance to listen to a testimony by Keiko Fujii, a pediatrician in Japan, at Rolling Hills Covenant Church, where I go every Tuesday (and some Sundays) for a bible study. Her testimony was so powerful that I simply could not hold my tears. This book was a longer version of her testimony, and the very first of the many books authored by her. When she was at the medical school, she also studied Buddhism through a correspondence course. When she finished the medical school, she decided to give up the career as a doctor and joined a temple in Kyoto to become a nun. After years of training, she was even offered a position as a teacher at a nun school, however after all she ended up leaving Buddhism behind in despair to go back to the mundane world, since she was not able to find the truth she had been searching for. She returned to her career as a pediatrician, got married and became a mother of two. Her family life was not a rosy one, however. The couple did not have a warm relationship. Her husband had also been suffering from various health problems, and while she was taking care of her husband on a daily basis, she was aware of the hypocrisy inside her, since she was doing so simply because she had to. However hard she worked to stop the hypocrisy and to want to serve her husband, she did not have any control. In a meantime, she was guided to a church which was built right next to her home, and finally confessed her trust in Jesus Christ. In the book is a detailed story of a change made possible by the God, from the time she suffered from the cold relationship with her husband and the hypocrisy in her towards him, to the time when they were truly thankful to each other and love each other. I felt so much encouraged and strengthened by her experience of the living God. His job on her family was full of love and simply beautiful.
"Kagayaku hi wo aogutoki" by Keiko Fujii
Thank you card

You did look cool in that firefighter outfit, but you are even cooler inside. (消防士の格好はとってもかっこよかったけれど、あなたのハートはもっとかっこいいわ!)ギャレット、ポップコーンありがとう。あと、いつかあそべる。わたしのおともだちになってね。
It's a little while ago, but when our daughter's class had a Halloween party the other day at school, there was this hart-warming incident. During the party, there was a treasure hunt, where kids looked for a bag of popcorn hidden outside in the back of classroom building. A kind parent prepared those bags and made sure there is enough bags for each child. On the signal from the teacher, kids went out of the classroom and ran for a bag. Everybody dashed for it, except our daughter. She was sort of overwhelmed by the excitement and standing there frozen. Everybody came back with a bag in hand. She slowly joined others and looked for one, but no bag. A boy called Garret then came up to her and encouraged her to look. He himself tried to search for the last bag for her. Somehow the last bag was lost and they could not find it. Everybody else was gone back in the classroom already. Garret looked down at his own bag for a while and then said, "Here, you can have mine." Garret not only looked like a hero that day since he was in a firefighter costume for the party, but also he really was. He is a Japanese American with a Japanese last name. He goes to a Japanese school every day after school. His mom told me that she cannot help him with Kanji, since she does not know much of those, so she takes him to grandpa and grandma who teach him Kanji.
We thus decided to write a thank you letter in English and Japanese both. It said;
You did look cool in the firefighter outfit, but you are even cooler inside.ギャレット、ポップコーンありがとう。あと、いつかあそべる。わたしのおともだちになってね。(Garret, thank you so much for the popcorn. Can we have a play date sometime? Please be my friend.)
I heard he does not speak much Japanese at school, but she reported back to me that he was able to read the card she wrote all right. It was such a nice hart-warming experience my daughter and I shared.
Fun tour
Four of us mothers from my daughter's elementary school got together and gave ourselves a special treat this Friday.
The first destination after we dropped kids at school is this Kimuchi House, in Gardena.
They make various kinds of Kimuchi and pickles and sell to local grocery stores. It's much cheaper buying it here than buying it at those grocery stores. A glass jar of Kimuchi is around $8 here. I bought a jar of Kakuteki (pickled radish cubes).
The next destination is a massage house called Foot Reflexology, back in Torrance. There were many of these small rooms with two beds each, and four of us were divided into two rooms. We enjoyed 30 minuets of foot reflexology and 30 minutes of body massage for $25. All those people working here were Chinese. I almost fell asleep. We will come back.
The last destination is a Korean restaurant called Da Maat. All four of us ordered Sundofu with varying degree of spiciness. We paid $11 apiece including tax and tip. It was pretty good. We just kept talking and talking for 2 and half hours until 3:00 pm when we picked up our kids. It's a blessing that I was able to make friends with these nice people. It's also a blessing that we have hard working husbands who allows us to enjoy this luxurious time. We have a next plan; two families watch the other families' kids and those two kids free couples go on a date.
Four of us mothers from my daughter's elementary school got together and gave ourselves a special treat this Friday.

The first destination after we dropped kids at school is this Kimuchi House, in Gardena.

They make various kinds of Kimuchi and pickles and sell to local grocery stores. It's much cheaper buying it here than buying it at those grocery stores. A glass jar of Kimuchi is around $8 here. I bought a jar of Kakuteki (pickled radish cubes).

The next destination is a massage house called Foot Reflexology, back in Torrance. There were many of these small rooms with two beds each, and four of us were divided into two rooms. We enjoyed 30 minuets of foot reflexology and 30 minutes of body massage for $25. All those people working here were Chinese. I almost fell asleep. We will come back.

The last destination is a Korean restaurant called Da Maat. All four of us ordered Sundofu with varying degree of spiciness. We paid $11 apiece including tax and tip. It was pretty good. We just kept talking and talking for 2 and half hours until 3:00 pm when we picked up our kids. It's a blessing that I was able to make friends with these nice people. It's also a blessing that we have hard working husbands who allows us to enjoy this luxurious time. We have a next plan; two families watch the other families' kids and those two kids free couples go on a date.
I lost a mole.
I have been suffering from this rash all over since August. It started with the side of the forehead, then spread to elbows, shoulders and back. I saw two internists and one dermatologist so far, but they simply said that it's dermatitis or that it's eczema, and those ointments I was prescribed do not help to exterminate this itchy thing. Once again I saw a dermatologist today and begged him to help me. He decided to do a biopsy on it. He assured me that this is not a serious problem in any case. He, however, did not like a mole which I had on my back since I was born. He simply did not like to see three different colors in it. He suggested a removal just to be on the safe side, and I concurred. I got the local anesthesia, so of course did not have the pain, but felt he was working on my back with a sort of rubbing motion. After a few minutes, he showed me the mole I just lost. It was a piece of skin with the mole siting in the middle. It reminded me of the old movie, "The Silence of the Lambs." Yuuuck. I used to be joking, if I became a doctor, I would be a dermatologist, since you do not have to deal with life-or-death situations, do not get called for emergencies, and have plenty of vacation. Oh, no, I do not think I can be one, if you need to peel people's skin off. I will get that biopsy result on those itchy rash (and the mole to be sure) in 2 weeks.
Swine Flu vaccination

ということで、我が家の4人の場合、これに該当するのは子どもたちふたりだけ。とりあえず、本日、行きつけの病院に行ったところ、20分ほど待って順番が来ました。ワクチンの形態には2つあって、ひとつは鼻からいれるスプレータイプのもの、もうひとつは従来の注射。喘息などの問題がない限り、鼻スプレーがデフォルトになっているらしく、しかもこちらのほうが有効度が高いとのことで、うちはふたりとも鼻スプレー。「痛い?痛い?」と心配していた娘は、鼻スプレーと聞いて一気に元気を取り戻し、笑顔で摂取に臨みました。両鼻にスプレーを入れてもらって、ふたりとも、「なんか、味がする。」 鼻と口はつながっていることを発見して帰ってきました。
Kids got the H1N1 flu shots. The priority group for the vaccination consists of pregnant women, those who care for infants under 6 months of age, health care and EMS workers, those ranging from 6 months through 18 years of age, and 19- to 64-year-olds with underlying medical conditions. This translates to about half of the United States population.
In our family, only our two kids fall within this priority group. I took them to our doctor's office. After 20 minute or so wait, we had our turn. There are two types of vaccination, the nasal spray vaccine and the conventional flu shot. If you do not have medical conditions such as asthma, the default you get is the nasal type, which is supposed to be more effective. As soon as they realized that they were going to get the nasal spray instead of shots, our daughter switched from a tragedy mode to a dancing mode. When they had those spray into both nostrils, they said, "I taste it!" We came home with a little discovery that our nose and mouth are connected inside.
Bionicle is back!

Our son just loved the Bionicle series by Lego. He took the first piece of Bionicle in his hand when he was 4, and since then he had been so much into it, being literally buried in it day and night for almost 6 years until the age of 10. He used to design his own characters, build them, name them and wrote movie stories using those characters. He received Bionicles for all kind of occasions, whether it were a birthday or holiday. Everyday when he came home from school, I used to hear this sound of him spreading Bionicle pieces onto the rug on the living room floor. He jumped into building right away. After 5 minutes or so, I always expected a voice calling me from the living room saying, "Mom, I need this piece in this color. Would you look for that with me?" He knew all the pieces by heart, and was very specific about the shape and piece he needed for his job. We used to stir up the huge pile with both hands to look for a tiny tiny piece of his request. When he became 10, however, his interest slowly shifted to music, and he has transformed himself into a guitarist. The container of the Bionicle pieces was quietly moved into the basement.
It was a week or so ago that he pulled the Bionicle container out of the storage and started building again. He said he was going to enter for this Bionicle contest by Lego with the character he designed (picture). I felt like the clock were rewound, watching him sitting in the middle of the pieces. He neatly sorted all the necessary pieces into small groups in front of the container. I did not get asked this time, "Mom, would you look for this piece with me?"
Time change
Today, we had a time change. You usually have one or two prudent person(s) in your family who make sure to change all the time throughout the house before s/he goes to bed on Saturday. What is lacking in our household is that prudent person. We have lived in the States for years and years, but we simply forget to do that almost every time almost every year.
Actually my husband left on a business trip to Washington DC this morning. We left home past 9:00 am to arrive at Los Angeles International Airport around 9:30 am. I dropped him and drove back to arrive home around 10:00 am. I received a call from him around 10:30 am, saying, "It happened again." He went on to explain that when he arrived at the airport, he did not find his flight on the display, so waited. He checked in online at home beforehand so the only thing he needed was checking the gate number on the display and going on board. His flight was at 11:00 am, so he was expecting for its info to come on the display by past 10:00 am. It did not happen. Hearing that far, it hit me and I said, "So it's the time change! You missed the flight? Oh, my, you missed the flight????" I was in a panic, since missing a flight messes up everything, especially when you are flying across the continent like he was today. He replied, "No, no, we gained one hour, so it's sill 9:30!" Being relieved, I said, "Wonderful! Enjoy your extra hour!" He replied, "What a waste! I could have stayed in bed for one more hour! I miss my extra hour in my bed!" As you can see this is not a constructive discussion how to avoid this to happen again, and this is not our first time. We missed the first hour of our friend's birthday party, arrived too early for a meeting, and we went through all kids of stuff in the past, depending on whether it's spring's switching on or fall's switching back.
Did you know that an entomologist in New Zealand came up with the idea of day light savings (DLS) in 1984. It started mainly to conserve the electric power by cutting down the lighting needs at night during the summer. Nowadays, the electricity is being used in so many ways in comparison to back then where the lighting was the main usage, so it is controversial how much energy is actually being conserved by DLS. As of 2009, all the sates except Arizona and Hawaii observe DLS in the US. Indiana, where we had lived for five years before being in Virginia, joined other states to observe DLS as a state only in 2005. Indiana was a very unique and complicated state in terms of DLS. Before 2005, when we were in Indiana, a part of the state was observing DLS and the remaining was not. To make things even more complicated, Indiana encompassed two time zones, EST and CST. It was a state where answering a simple question like what time it was, was a challenge. In Tippecanoe county where we lived, they did not observe DLS, so we did not have to adjust the clocks, but it meant we were on CST during summer and on EST during winter (because we did not change, but states around us changed).
Japan does not observe DLS, even though it did so for four years right after the World War II, under the guidance of the US. Recently a part of Hokkaido, the northernmost island, introduced the idea, and the businesses and organization followed it on a voluntary basis. One of the biggest reason why it does not get widely accepted is that even with the summer time, you are expected to work until it gets dark anyway, irrelevant of what time it is, resulting in longer work hours after all.
So my husband and I, who were brought up in Japan where DLS does not take root, and spent first years of our American life in the part of Indiana that was not observing DLS, will never ever successfully adjust the time. If you are planning to come visit us, just avoid those two days in spring and fall.
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