Grandpa and grandma (my husband's parents) are leaving for Japan after 3 week stay. We consumed so many cans of beer together! They asked me so many times why alcohol is so cheep here in the States. Every time I replied them, "It's tax, I guess," but I was never quite sure, so I decided to do a little research. For example, a box of 12 Kirin Ichiban Shibori was $6.99 in the near super market. For 24, it's almost $14. On the other hand, in Japan it is almost $45. Beer tax per 100 ml is 22.2 yen ($0.22) in Japan, while it is $0.0053 in California. See the difference? For your info, the states with the lowest beer tax is Missouri and Wisconsin with $0.0016, while that with the highest is Alaska with $0.0277. All those are low anyway, though, in comparison to that of Japanese.
However, we cannot say it is all due to the difference in beer tax. Kirin Ishiban Shibori is 192 yen ($2) per can in Japan, while it is $0.58 in California. The beer tax, if converted to tax per can of 350 ml, is 77.7 yen ($0.80) in Japan and $0.02 in California. The price before the beer tax is, thus, 192-77.7=114.3 yen ($1.27) in Japan and 0.58-0.02=$0.56. It's still double in Japan. Why? I will look into it in the future.