We went to Universal Studios again, but this time with Grandma! Grandpa stayed home alone since he did not think it was for him. We are in T-shirt on January the 2nd!
実は、サンノゼに住む高校時代の親友も、日本から遊びに来ているお兄さん家族と一緒に来ていて、途中落ち合いました。今日はかなり人が入っていて、落ち合うのも大変だったけど会えてよかった!一度バージニアに遊びに来てくれたのが2004年だったっけ。。。6年ぶりだ! でもこれからは同じ州に住むわけで、ちょくちょく会えるに違いない!
My best friend from high school days, who lives now in San Jose, California, was there also with her husband and her brother's family from Japan. We managed to meet at some point there in Universal Studios, even though there were so many people today in the theme park! It's been 6 years, since she visited us in Virginia in 2004. Now that we live in the same state, we must be able to meet more often!
いつも最後はお決まりのWater Worldのショー。ショーが終わって7時過ぎに岐路に着きました。
The last to visit is always the show of Water World. After the show, we left the park past 7:00.