息子とふたりでモールにお買い物に行きました。シャツやパンツが欲しいというので。最初に行ったのはGap Kids。ピンの来るのがなくて出る。ブラブラしていたらAmerican Eagleのお店があって、入りたいというので入る。American Eagleはヤング・アダルト向け。子どものものはありません。「ここは大人用だよ。」という私の言葉をやりすごして、品物に見入る息子。そして見つけたのがこれ。XSというのを見つけて着てみたらなんとかOK。でもさあ、今まで私がLL BeanやLandsedでこういうポロシャツ何枚も買ったけど、そのたびに「襟のあるシャツは絶対着ない!」と言って卒業式以外には着てくれなかったよねえ。それに、胸に横シマの入ったTシャツを買ってくると、「横にセンが入ったのはかっこ悪い!」と言って却下してたよねえ。ママの選ぶのはセンスが悪いとかなんとか言ってたよねえ。なのに、このシャツは横シマのポロシャツじゃん!!! どういうことよ!! それって、(-1) x (-1) = +1 ってことかしら。結局、American EagleでこのシャツとTシャツ2枚にジーンズ1足買いました。子ども用は卒業、ちょっとおしゃれがしたいトシゴロってことかしら。
I took my son to the mall (or my son took me to the mall, depending on the perspective) for shopping. He wanted to buy some shirts and pants. We first dropped in Gap Kids, where he did not find anything he likes. Then we found American Eagle. I told him that AE is for young adults and they don't have kid's section. He replied ok and kept looking. He then found this shirt. He tried XS on and it looked ok. He says he likes it. Well, but when I ordered you collared shirts like this from LL Bean or Landsend in the past, didn't you always complain that shirts with collars simply suck? When I got you T shirts with stripes across the chest, didn't you simply refuse to wear them, saying shirts with stripes are for nerds? BUT look at this one! This is a COLLARED shirt with STRIPES, isn't it? I just do not understand. Is it like (-1) x (-1) = +1? Anyway, he got this shirt, 2 T shirts and one pair of jeans at AE. I guess he is graduating from I-like-whatever-is-simple-and-comfortable era into I-pick-what-looks-cool era.