School performance
本日、おじいちゃんとおばあちゃんは日本に帰りました。からっぽのベッドルームがさびしいです。夕方、娘の学年の歌の発表会があり、あと一日ずれていれ ば、ふたりに見てもらえたのに娘がとても残念がっていました。学校で歌の練習して帰ってくると、家で何度も歌って見せてくれ、とってもはりきっていた割に は、周りの子どもたちよりいつも一拍遅れる娘。のんびりやの彼女らしくて思わず笑ってしまいます。
Grandpa and Grandma left for Japan. We find the empty bedroom really empty now. This evening our daughter's grade had a school performance, and she was so sorry to miss her grand parents there. While they were working on the songs at school to prepare for this performance, she was so excited and sang the song (with gesture) so many time to us at home. On the stage, though, she sort of lags behind other kids half phrase or so, and that it exactly like her. That made me smile.